With legs now dangling over the ledge before him, Nero had taken a seat on a roof overlooking the quartet as they spoke. It seems they were all curious about each other's possession of the oddly shaped weapon; referring to it as a 'Keyblade'. As the moogle began regaling his story of how he came in possession of his own, Nero's mind absently wandered as he held up his hand. Sure enough, the blade materialized as it had done several times before. It seemed to respond to it's owner's whim, dissipating and reappearing on command as if by magic- though Nero didn't have much experience or knowledge in the 'mystical' ways of the worlds. Even with his time around the others of Hollow Bastion, he could never really grasp the fundamentals of magic, deciding to focus on the more physical aspects of his training; all the while drawing inspiration from his heroes: Cloud and Squall (or Leon as he preferred to go by now). 'Guess it can't be helped,' Nero's thoughts resounded in his own head as he gave a subtle sigh, pushing himself up from the edge of the roof and dimissing his blade. Quickly, he'd make his descent to the street below, navigating his way back around to the courtyard where the four continued to stand. He did not call attention to himself, rather he'd rest himself on a wall not far from where the group had gathered, 'Not yet. I'll wait to hear a bit more.' He shook his head as his hesitance to reveal himself kept him away. He had been on his own for so long now, that even the prospect of being around others deterred him, 'Besides, I've made it just fine without them so far. They'll just be one more thing I have to worry about.' Though a part of Nero may have actually believed the words that were crossing his mind, a vast majority of his person was relieved to see others like him.