Dark energy is ever pushing away from dark matter. Free of the effects of the rest of the known universe (It doesn't lose speed due to distance, it passes though other matter with no known effect.) Ever pushing away from the dark matter that makes up the skeletal system of what we know. Theoretically it will push until the universe is so scattered that the atoms will no longer be able to attract one another *BLAH BLAH BLAH Dumbing down theory a-metric-lot here.* and everything will stop.... Basically I want to set up a power similar to dark energy. The character would be stressed with a body that repells from everything to a slight degree. (including the ground) I would make it have a physical negative trait of the character being blue and rather small (Its a born mutant not a puberty mutation). The character would be physically unable to sleep as well. As the body would naturally be creating vast amounts of energy. Does that make any kinds of sense?