Asha was surprised at the links between the boy's, moogle's and her own story. "Keyblade" and "heartless" are two words that Asha has not encountered before. Asha explained her own predicament. " I am from Cocoon. Spacetime distortions are common at the moment there. During one such distortion, these shadowy beasts , what you call heartless, spawned in vast numbers. Despite the best efforts, the monsters pushed my friends and I back. But the weapon, you call Keyblade, appeared to me and the tide of battle turned to my favour. We pushed the monsters back. When the distortion closed, it seems that I came along with the ride." When Asha was finished, she is happy that she is not only one that has been taken from their "home world". Asha continued to say " we should band together. It seems we all have something to offer. " Asha came to a realization "Oh. Where are my manners? My name is Asha" Although the others might reject the idea of forming a group with strangers, it is better than losing to the heartless. "I think we should get to know each other better. On top of that, we should find someone who knows more about our predicament. I think we have not seen the last of the heartless."