[color=00aeef][b]~ SORA ~[/b][/color] Sora Hunter lay down on the roof of his cabin and stared up at the cloudless sky, whistling softly. He closed his eyes and let his ears filled up with the random noises around Camp Half-Blood: kids from the Ares cabin were picking a fight - again - with those from Apollo; girls from Aphrodite were gossiping about eye candies of other cabins; boys from Hephaestus were yelling around for tools, occasionally swearing loudly at unexpected explosions... He mused to himself. [color=00aeef][i]It's yet another peaceful day at Camp Half-Blood.[/i][/color] ...Or not. His field of vision was blocked by someone he least wanted to see and his cheeks itched at the long, black hair that spilled across his face: Aria Cadett, the demi-daughter of Nemesis. Before he could open his mouth to say something, Aria pulled him forcefully to his feet and dragged him away from his sanctuary. [color=00aeef]"Hey---"[/color] [color=ec008c]"Just shut up and follow my lead, Miser Boy."[/color] He cringed at the horrible nickname. [color=00aeef]"Please stop...calling me that."[/color] [color=ec008c]"Then go and grow a backbone, period."[/color] They didn't talk as they marched past the cabins of the major Olympian gods and goddesses - ignoring the catcalls from those demigods - before Aria pushed him into the dining area. [color=ec008c]"I'm starving."[/color] She filled her plate with an assortment of fruits - apples, oranges, strawberries - and they finally sat down at the table. Sora gave the brunette a sideway glance. [color=00aeef][i]What does she need me here for anyway?[/i][/color] His thoughts were shattered when Aria thrusted him an apple slice, barely missing his nose by an inch. He then spotted two familiar figures from the corner of his eye. He had seen them around the area where cabins of the minor gods and goddesses were clustered together, but he had never spoken to them. [i]There's always a first time for anything and everything[/i], his father would say. He raised his voice and called out to them, [color=00aeef]"Um, Lexi and..."[/color] He paused awkwardly, searching his brain to recall the name of the girl, but came up with none. He shrugged. [color=00aeef]"Well...hi?"[/color]