[h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2] [center][i]Brooklyn, New York - Honestly. Talk to your waiter for details if you're confused about where he is.[/i][/center] "[color=6ecff6]I'd say they're pretty good,[/color]" hummed the waiter, arching his eyebrows as he took back the menu and tucked it under his arm. "[color=6ecff6]Then again, I'm also under obligation to say that about the turnip greens and I can promise you, those are disgusting. This is your gamble, my friend but-[/color]" A jokingly secretive glance from side to side, "[color=6ecff6]I promise I actually like most of the meat-based stuff here, especially the burgers. Just don't ever try the fish, if you love yourself then it's not worth the effort.[/color]" he scribbled the order in with ease and spun on his heel, heading back towards the counter and stick the order to the wheel. He gave it a good spin and tore off the old tickets, tossing them and ducking into the back, it was bustling with waitresses and waiters and cooks. The smell of food filled his nose instantly and reminded him he had to take a lunch break before he left, sometimes it slipped his mind and he let the time draw until he got home and he really wasn't in the mood today. He had also made a good earning of tips so far and they felt weighty in his apron, tips were good, it was rare when he made enough to do anything productive with and he'd have to grab a side job sometime soon. Maybe pick up some extra hours, he was a good worker, he knew he could start getting some real paychecks. His mother had always warned him that waiting tables didn't pay the bills and he'd been in steady denial of that for quite some time and here he was behind on practically everything but that was fine. He'd figure it out. He scooped up the order that was meant to go out to Jason, balancing it on one hand and picking up the rolls in the other. He guessed the order had been finished so quickly because it had originally been started for the group table, they had filed out pretty quickly after the incident and now there was a bunch of useless food sitting around. He made a note to swipe the chicken tenders when he came back through and he headed out, humming under his breath as he settled the tray in front of Jason with flourish. "[color=6ecff6]And there you go, darling. We had an accident at one of the tables and they left without even asking for to-go boxes or tipping the poor dear who had to clean their mess.[/color]" an eye roll and a head shake. "[color=6ecff6]Bunch of hooligans either way. Their tip probably would have made Marla's day worse.[/color]" He seemed vaguely amused despite his half hearted sympathy for the other server, he even tossed her a glance and she huffed at him. "[color=6ecff6]She'll be fine. She just hates that I won't clean tables. Anyway, you enjoy that.[/color]" he said warmly, his blue eyes glinting.