Hugh was hesitant to move, until after Sana left the wagon. He sat and relaxed for a moment, puffing on his pipe. He took a large gulp of water from a skin that lay by his side, and finally stood up. Sana made him aware of where she would be off to, and Hugh nodded in acknowledgement. He lifted his hand to her side, letting his fingers trail off her as she suddenly took leave from his presence. He sat down, looking a little stuck in the moment. He looked at the tavern, remembering how pleasant it was when he first met Sana and the group. Back then, all he had thought about was being friendly and having a good time. It turned into so much more. Something he never asked for and never thought he would experience ever again. He nursed the pipe, giving small puffs, just to keep it burning. Hugh suddenly stood up and walked inside the tavern, pushing through the doors. He looked to the group and listened to hear a little of the plan that was formulating. There was word that he would stay up and guard the tavern with Sana, but Sana made a different proposition; one that involved Hugh going into the catacombs with the others. It seemed almost completely agreed to. Hugh was not so thrilled with the idea, but he knew he was the best to be fighting in a cramped space such as the catacombs. Sana came over to him and spoke to him in an attempt to reassure him. He would not feel reassured while he was down there and she was away from him, so it would be a futile attempt on her part. Hugh breathed in her kiss, trying to accept her words and reassure himself that everything would be fine. He didn't feel it at all. He would be away from her. He simply turned away, letting her kiss linger. He said nothing as he followed the others, then stopping just before heading to the basement. "It's not my fucking fight? Why would I do this?" He angrily muttered. He shook his fist at the ground, and turned. He watched Sana as she climbed into the rafters. She was an archer, she would have a turkey shoot. She would be fine. He would be more at risk. His face turned to a look of determination as he surveyed the room and shouted, "I'LL BE BACK! BE AROUND WHEN I GET BACK." He felt almost a little choked up when he shouted the words. He was more than determined to make it back out of the depths of the catacombs, but she had to be there for him when he got back. His life would just go back to the way it always had been, if she was not there. There would be no difference without her, except for this time, if he lost it all again, he would feel like an empty husk of a man, wandering the planet alone.