[hider=Markus] Name: Markus Goethe Home World: Treasure Planet Age: 14 Description: A handsome young man of slightly below average height. His features are thin and sharp, his eyes light gray and round. His hair is dark and curly, it's long but often held in a tight bun behind his head. Dresses with a casual elegance in a waist coat and long jacket in a handsome dark yellow. Once had a matching hat, but has lost it. Markus is habitually self-centered, but can be easily moved to altruism when pushed. He is a bit vain, but moves and speaks with an easy confidence that make the vanity seem warranted. He is polite at all times, especially with people he dislikes, for whom there can be found a hidden venom in his manners. [b]Keyblade:[/b] A slight variation of the Kingdom Key. The hilt is shinier gold, and daintier. The blade is longer and thinner. The guard around the hilt is wider in the front than in the back, forming a "basket" like in certain forms of rapier. The blade is agile, but not terribly strong. Origin: Markus grew up in the biggest house on Montressor's orbiting space port. His family was one of the wealthiest in the system, and yet Goethe owned ships never seemed to be beset by pirates. When Markus reached his teenage years, he found out why. His father set him up on one of his ships on a routine delivery. Everything seemed fine and normal, but when they were some distance from the port, the crew started to show their true colors. Rude, cruel, callus. They lorded their seniority over the young aristocrat, and bullied him into complying as they boarded other ships and raided them for treasures. They were pirates. So was his father, and, apparently, he was meant to be as well. Things went like this aboard the ship for over a year, the captain became crueler and more aggressive until, finally, his heart sank entirely into the darkness. One night, he was at helm, and Markus came up to bring him his customary wine(the sort of busy work he was wont to do aboard this vessel) but when he came up to him he found a dark creature in his place, steering the ship towards a black hole. Markus tried to rouse the crew, but ended up fighting the creature himself. When his sword did nothing, he fell back and looked toward their destination. He thought of all the people he would be letting down. They weren't his friends. They weren't even kind to him. But he couldn't stand to let them be hurt. As his heart strengthened, he summoned a keyblade and turned to the Heartless captain with it. They fought, and Markus won. But it was too late already, the ship was caught in the black hole's gravity. When he was looking toward it hopelessly, he spotted the keyhole, and felt his arm, still holding the keyblade, start to rise. He pointed the blade at the keyhole, and was transported through the multiverse to Traverse Town. Abilities: Swordsmanship. Has trained for years at fencing, and fights easily with a sword(or similar bladed weapon). Though he excels at close combat, he has no capacity whatsoever to fight at range. Sailing/piloting Navigation, though he usually navigates by the stars and it's difficult to do so under an unfamiliar sky. What are you afraid of? "Losing my heart." What do you want out of life? "There was a time when I didn't want for anything. I'm not sure if I want that back. I guess... I don't know." What's most important to you? "My good name." [/hider]