[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/MSMARV_zpso398jjgy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Carol Danvers[/b][/center] Carol felt the chilling wind buffer against her face. While the darkness of the night shrouded everything, Carol could tell that she was no longer on the ground. It was almost like a sense of weightlessness, as if she were flying through the sky. When she felt herself dive and ascend again without feeling any solid ground or the fluid texture of any water, Carol knew she somehow had to be flying. She did not know how this was possible, but once she flew through the dense mass of a lonely cloud, Carol at least knew she was airborne. Out in the distance, Carol could barely catch sight of a large, passenger plane descending into Boston. However, even though the nighttime darkness hindered her ability to discern the aircraft, Carol could tell that something was wrong: the plane was descending too soon. She did not know why she did it, but Carol zoomed down toward the plane and braced herself against the belly of the plane in an attempt to level the plane out, or at least slow down its descent. As she exerted her energy to save the plane, a yellow aura developed around Carol. As the plane descended, Carol could see the Boston Logan International Airport, where this plane had initially planned to land. However, at the rate at which they were descending, even with Carol’s intervention, the commercial plane would not reach the safety of the airport’s landing pads before it would have already barreled through the populated regions of Boston. Carol continued to exert all her energy into slowing the planes’ fall, hoping that it would be enough to save the passengers and the crew of the plane. Fortunately, the pilots were well-aware of the situation and had already begun to steer towards the bay so that they would land without causing much collateral damage. Once Carol began to feel the icy waters of Boston and the plane had safely crashed into the bay, a chilling sensation jolted Carol awaken, causing her to sit straight up in her bed. After she rubbed her eyes, Carol realized that what she had just experienced must have only been a dream. Or at least that is what she thought until she peered over toward a large mirror that sat on the opposite side of her room. In the reflection of the mirror, Carol saw a woman, whom Carol estimated to be in her mid to late twenties, sitting in the exact place where Carol though she was sitting. When Carol got up from her bed, so did the woman in the mirror. Carol’s reflection was wearing a red costume over her torso that that had black portion covering her shoulders and trimmed the bottom section of the costume. In the center of the outfit, there was a golden, eight-point star, while a red scarf was tied around her neck. Black, thigh-high boots covered much of her legs, while gloves of the same color covered her arms all the way up to her elbows. Carol turned away from the mirror and grabbed her cellphone from off of her nightstand. When she had her phone in her hands, Carol realized that the black gloves that she saw on the woman in the mirror were also covering her arms, too! Panicking over the situation, she gazed at the date that was displayed on her phone. When she saw that her phone read that it was still August, 2012, Carol at least knew that she did not somehow wake up several years in the future. But did she somehow rapidly age in the present? Was that even possible? After looking at her phone, Carol walked over to her bedroom mirror to get a better look at herself. Even though before all of this happened Carol was neither bad looking nor very short, she now looked almost looked like a supermodel and this was not only due to her new height. Turning around, Carol looked over her shoulder to see how she looked from a different angle. “I wish that the bottom of this wasn’t so skimpy.” Carol thought to herself as she looked over the costume that she was wearing. However, as soon as she had thought this, a similar yellow aura appeared at the bottom of her costume. Once that light had dissipated, Carol was shocked to see that apparently by her mere thoughts the bottom of her costume had changed. However, before she could do anything else, Carol heard a heavy knock on her door. “Carol, get your &%# out of bed. It’s almost freaking noon!” It was her father. Even without any alcohol in his system, Carol could tell that something was still irking him, causing him to become irritated. “One second!” Carol yelled back, not even thinking about how her voice might have sounded different. But something strange happened again. Even though she had been examining herself I the mirror a few seconds ago, Carol found herself laying back in her bed, staring at the ceiling. When she sat back up in bed and turned towards the mirror, she saw her normal reflection in the mirror. What was going on? Was that all a dream or a hallucination? Or did it really happen?