[list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Wretha Thorne ([s]Emerson[/s]) [*][b]Age:[/b] 26 [*][b]Gender:[/b] Female [*][b]Species:[/b] Human [*][b]Appearance:[/b] Wretha is poised, mysterious, and utterly composed, she is a seductive and formidable beauty full of secrets and danger. She primarily appears dressed in a stately, polished manner and maintains an air of refinement and inscrutability when times permits. Ms. Thorne stands at a modest 5'7 and and is of average weight, leaning more on the slim side. Raven black hair that rolls down the full length of her back is usually kept pinned up, dark sockets surround piercing green eyes and serve as clear contrast to her overly pale complexion. Despite her outward appearance, Wretha is no stranger to kindness and compassion and is far from incapable of friendship and courtesy. [hider=Pictures][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/melissadelacruzsbluebloods/images/1/12/Freya1840.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140927153711[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/d523d5ecd81a56b4eb24fdb1a7060383/tumblr_mv1nw75nx11qcds4qo9_r2_250.gif[/img][/hider] [*][b]Bio:[/b] Wretha Thorne, a name that hardly anyone has ever heard before and rightly so. It wasn't until a couple years back - eight to be exact - until she made her first appearance at the border of the Trattican Empire and Midcy'ru traveling with a caravan. With nothing more than the clothes on her back the then young girl spent several years moving from place to place through the elven lands and picking odd jobs here and there, but she never stayed in one place for too long and has always kept her head down. She learned a great deal during her travels about all the different kinds of plants and their direct affect with the human body. Her magical talents have also served her well keeping Wretha out of trouble many a times and having to resort to a more direct approach when the situation hasn't been avoidable. She is more than capable of taking care of herself. [*][b]Equipment:[/b] Wretha owns very little in the way of weaponry, only carrying a small curved dagger used mostly in self-defense. She is usually seen covered in her trademark black and dark green cloak, made of expensive and sturdy - but light- material. In addition, she also possesses a small black book which she carries on her person at all times. [*][b]Abilities:[/b] Ms. Thorne's fighting prowess is damn near non-existence. She lacks any semblance of proper training in the use of a sword or bow or even hand to hand combat, but what she lacks in physical skills, she more than makes up in other talents. Perhaps her strongest suit being an adept psychic, not in the mind-reading sense, but an ability that serves as an extension to her own innate intuition and clairvoyance. Wretha is also skilled in incantations and an accomplished Herbalist (non-magical). [*][b]Reason for Joining the Broken Horns:[/b] The allure of constant travel is what has piqued Wretha curiosity, being one that never likes to stay in one location for too long, this works perfectly. [/list]