Xalam, for all intents and purposes, did not even jump out of surprise at the sudden and instantaneous teleportation. The Namekian was floating a moderate length off of the ground, legs and arms crossed, and a small, fanged frown on his lips, while his closed eyes were in an intense, glaring concentration formation. Wisps of visible Ki drafted off of his form, and as the last of the energy from their sudden teleporation wisped away, Xalam finally opened his eyes, the focused glare moving from Trunks, to to the people surrounded him. This was definitely not a new planet - that much was obvious. He would have been awoken by the pod's ringing of 'Approaching new planet', and he would have had time to ready all of his mental thoughts and generally ready himself for the possible enemies and allies. Instead, he was here, in the midst of what seemed to be all Earthlings, other than a few different species sprinkled in - this much he knew from the constant reading he did when he was a younger Namek. Dropping from his floating, meditative position, Xalam slowly stood to his full height of 7'4, staring down at the purple-haired Earthling. His name was Trunks, apparently, and he expected them all to follow him. The answers to any questions would come later. [b]"The answers better be good."[/b] The usually silent Namekian stated simply, his deep voice holding a touch of hostility. Random teleporation definitely wasn't a good way to get on his nice side, and this Trunks guy was already -1 on Xalam's mental tolerance list. His eyes moved from the purple-haired man's face, drifting over the others around him. Two blonde-haired Earthlings, an alien of a race that he clearly remembered in the invasion on his village - only years of meditation training caused him to not bat a lash - and quite a few miscellaneous male Earthlings that seemed relatively similar to the pictures and diagrams he remembered in the books, and from what he saw in the invasion. Over-all, no one really jumped out to him. He did notice that one of the females seemed rather...manly, by Earthling's standards. They each had a moderate feeling of strength to them, but otherwise, he didn't notice anything overt in their auras. They were mentally put down as possible threats. "Hold on, lavender boy" One of the females spoke, obviously referencing Trunks' rather unorthodox hair colour. "Three questions; Where's my bike, where am I and why in hell should I blindly follow you?" Xalam decided to just listen, as two of those questions were something he also wanted to know - although he had planned on waiting, so that this 'Trunks' human wouldn't snub the information.