[center][b][u]French Republic - Age of Rebirth - MetalLover[/u][/b][/center] [center][hider=FRENCH REPUBLIC] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Di6ZqDp.png[/img][/center][b][i]French Republic (République française)[/i][/b] [u][b]Territories of France[/b][/u] French Morocco, French Algeria, French Tunisia, French Libya, French Mauritania, French Senegal, French Gambia, French Madagascar, The Scattered Islands, French Seychelles, French Indochina, French Guiana. [u][b]Political Party[/b][/u] The Republicans ([i]Les Républicains[/i]). [u][b]Type of Government[/b][/u] Republic. [u][b]Military[/b][/u] TBD [u][b]Economies[/b][/u] France has the second largest economy in the world and it's an international leader in the arts, education, and science. The country is very capitalist and populated with the wealthy getting more money. France is willing to deal with any country with a good deal, they use trading to their advantage in most simulations. They even got a free trade agreement with Britain and it's still active to this day. With the return of the franc, France's financial sector steeply rose up as the abolition of the United States dollar and Euro went into full effect. It wasn't that much of an increase unlike Britain's switch to the pound currency. But, it was enough to increase the economy and improve France from the greater good. Foreign businesses and workers from countries, that were affected by the war, started to arrive at France's doorstep. The amount never seen since the Immigration to the United States. France welcomed them with open arms as the war got worse than ever through. The gap between poor and rich isn't that bad as Britain's gap; but, it's still there. Education has helped in closing the gap between the poor and the rich. But, the rich are still getting more than the poor. The government is trying to fix the gap by giving workers more paid hours and other stuff that has helped in closing the gap. The economic policy, Mercantilism, returned to ensure that the colonies couldn't revolt against the French Government. But, they still care for the colonies like they do on the mainland. Education has increased, poverty is almost gone for those colonies, hunger has decreased as France helped out those colonies, and tourism increased big time. In return of the kind things that the government does, the colonies usually trade their important materials to the government. The arts has helped France become the most visited countries in Europe as museums opened up in the mainland and zoos opened up in North Africa. Some even said that a second Renaissance is happening in France as the arts are becoming more popular and scientists are finding ways to improve human lives and the ways that humans do things. France is already a superpower nation, but they might become something important in history. [u][b]History of France[/b][/u] The Third World War brought total destruction to America and other countries in the world. France was able to be neutral in the war at the cost of leaving the EU behind and moving forward. At first, the people didn't accept that and protested about until they saw photos of the war and changed their minds. The first few years brought people from all over the world to neutral countries, most went to Britain and France. The government helped improve the country as more and more people were entering the country to escape the horrors of war. As America and other countries were starting to collapse, France has begun to worry about the effect that the collapse would cost. So, they started to look at North Africa and the countries in it. Algeria was having problems with the government as the country was tearing apart and France soon invaded the country to bring back order. As France was doing that, other countries in North Africa—Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania and Senegal—were dealing with civil unrest for the war. The other countries were too busy to stop France for expanding into Algeria and other countries soon. Fifteen years of fighting later, the countries were quickly turned into colonies of France and begun to rebuild. Madagascar, The Scattered Islands, and Seychelles requested to join France as colonies because of economic hardship and the impact of the war. France accepted the offers and they were added as colonies of France. Indochina was different than the other countries that France had taken due to many reasons. One was that they were allies with most of the Asian countries. But, the country was dealing with another crisis as the countries were fighting each other. Vietnam wanted to be annexed both Laos and Cambodia and then join PRFA. But, they didn't want that and another war in Vietnam started. France saw this as a perfect time to declare war on them and annex them. So, they did and the navy soon landed near the capital of Vietnam. It took them three years for them to completely capture Indochina. As they did that, the countries signed the peace treaties and they were annexed soon after the signings. PRFA didn't want France to be in Asia and begun to move troops to the border of Indochina. France soon sent more troops to Indochina to outmatch the PRFA's forces and then the navy and air force came as well. After that move, PRFA requested that France have peace talks with them and France accepted the request. After days of talking, PRFA accepted France's claims on Indochina in return that they stop expanding in the world. Since that day, France kept their word with PRFA and tried to improve relations by offering trade agreements with them. France also improved relations with Britain as they accepted trade agreements and opened up more to them. France was finally a nation to be recognized like by in the 1800s and it was going to be like that for awhile. [u][b]Population[/b][/u] ~75,800,000 in France ~56,000,000 in Algeria ~22,000,000 in Tunisia ~54,000,000 in Morocco ~24,000,000 in Libya ~13,600,000 in Mauritania ~29,300,000 in Senegal ~8,450,000 in Gambia ~48,200,400 in Madagascar ~300,000 in Seychelles ~177,800,000 in Indochina ~550,300 in Guiana ~510,000,700 total population of France and her colonies [u][b]Race Demographic[/b][/u] ~61% White ~13% Black (North African) ~20% Asian ~6% Other [u][b]Religion Demographic[/b][/u] ~50% Roman Catholic ~16% Unaffiliated ~22% Protestant ~10% Muslim ~2% Other [u][b]Other[/b][/u] TBD [/hider][/center]