"[color=00a99d]You will tell me everything you know about the Android models designated as seventeen and eighteen.[/color]", "[i]I swear I don't know a thing! Please, i've done nothing! I know nothing![/i]". Dimitri's eyes narrowed as he tightened his grip on the throat of a suspected resistance member. It had not been a very good year for the Red Ribbon Army: The defection of Lapis and Lazuli, better known as 17 and 18 had become a blemish on the record of the RRA. Further adding to that, the defection of these two had caused a surge in activity among a group of terrorists working to wrest control from the hands of Dimitri's superiors. All of this was simply nonsense to him; how could these people not realize that the Red Ribbon's total seizure had brought about peace? So a few freedoms where limited, but was that not a meager price to pay when the result was a planet without war? Without invasion from hostile alien forces? Dimitri held up his free hand, the node in his palm glinted brightly as ki began to gather around it, forming into a green ball of energy. "[color=00a99d]My superiors are aware that you are resistance sympathizer, as are we aware that you have in the past given shelter to resistance members. My superiors were content to detain or execute you in due time, however the plans of the resistance to sway the defective android models to their cause has forced us to expedite such plans. This is your last chance to answer before you are executed.[/color]". Realizing that the game was up the man squirmed in Dimitri's grip, hot angry tears streamed down his face as he began screaming at the android, sending flecks of spittle into Dimitri's scowling visage with each curse. "[color=00a99d]So be it.[/color]" Grunted as he prepared to end the life of his quarry. The resistance member closed his eyes and prepared for the inevitable, prompting a moment of hesitation from Dimitri. It was always simple to execute actual resistance members, but this was someone he'd literally dragged out of his own him in the middle of the night for giving someone shelter. It felt...was it..unsporting? No, it was something deeper. Somehow it felt [i]wrong[/i]. Dimitri shook his head to clear these thoughts and prepared to end the man's life. The opportunity would never come, as a bright flash of light temporarily blinded the android. When his vision returned, Dimitri found himself unpleasantly surprised by a sudden change in scenery. Adding to that annoyance was the fact that his captive was no longer in his grip. Dimitri lowered the hand that he'd used to hold the sympathizer up, but he left the hand holding the ki ball up as his eyes darted between each of the people. Strings of code flashed across the android's eyes as he debated whether or not to engage these people as hostiles or interrogate them to find out what was occurring. Ultimately he decided not to, as the lavender haired one in front of him prompted everyone to follow with promises of explanations. "[color=00a99d]If I find your explanation to be unsatisfactory then you will be summarily executed.[/color]" Dimitri stated in a hollow tone before dissipating the ki ball.