Hugh broke into a grin after hearing Sana's words. She always made him the proudest man on the planet with the things she would say and do. He couldn't hold back his grin as he started to turn away, feeling the need to jump and skip and dance for joy. Love was amazing to Hugh. Corny, sexy, dramatic, wonderful love. It could never get old. Before his back could fully turn, he felt Sana suddenly wrap her arms around his neck and pull herself into him. He felt himself relax as he wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his hands on her back and massaging it gently. He looked into her eyes as she pulled out the ring she gave him. It felt like all of his fight would be in that one little trinket. This simple band that hung from his neck by a chain would get him back to her in one peace. "I know you're with me." She swiftly went from speaking to him to bringing them into a passionate kiss. He let his hands run across her body as he felt her every breath and movement. He felt vulnerable in that moment, but he also felt stronger. He felt her, soaking in how her skin felt with his hands and breathing her in. He just wanted to feel her there with him. This was another moment he was going to hold onto. He wanted to keeping stealing as many moments with her as he could. It was like making a scrap book in your head, but this scrap book involved tasting her, feeling her, and breathing her in. Their breathing didn't go in any rhythm, but every time he took a breath he felt himself bringing her closer to him. He nodded a smile appearing on his face, as he listened to her words. Then she pulled away and he let his hands trail off her as he almost wanted to grab her and pull her body back into his. He closed his eyes as she spoke one word, savoring it in his mind. Then she pulled away from him a final time, and he lifted his hand, his fingertips pointing towards her, as he echoed the word with a loving smile on his face. "Mine."