Sinthe stood in the middle of what he would call badlands, he wasn't alone, several others surrounded him with badly made makeshift weapons as a bead of sweat grew on his brow from the sun high in the sky, Sinthe let these people challenge him, using their brains, all of them attacked at the same time charging towards him as if he insulted their mothers, as the entire group closed in on him Sinthe jumped high into the air and let all sides collide into each other, everyone stabbed, clubbed, or knocked each other out instantly when he leaped into the air. A handful of people were still up and moving around and recovered from the collision and stood up as Sinthe landed on to the ground, Sinthe cocked back his arm like he was holding a long spear and yelled out the name of his attack."[color=a2d39c] Traveler's spear !![/color]" The long green spear of energy was thrown through three men and disappeared when they all dropped to the the dusty ground. Two men tried to blind side Sinthe but he luckily turned to both of them in time and punched both of the men in their guts, then swiftly delivered a kick to the side of their heads and knocked them into each other. The two guys fell to the ground along with their cohorts, and Sinthe turned around just in time to see a girl that was holding a knife she held her hands up as if she didn't want to fight, but as soon as Sinthe put his hands at his sides she tried to cut him swinging her blade back and forth aiming for his neck. Sinthe grabbed her hand when she made a heavy swing and put his other hand on her elbow and broke her arm to the point where the bone in her arm broke through the skin, the girl dropped to the ground and tried to give Sinthe a puppy dog eye look, but the look didn't take on the tall stoic man, he held out his hand and charged it up for a Ki blast, but before he could deliver the blow he was engulfed in a radiant flash of light. When Sinthe appeared in front of the half Saiyan, Sinthe listened to him speak and listened to the others seemed to make complaints, unlike the others Sinthe just said what he wanted to say flat out." [color=a2d39c]No, I have no reason to follow you, you don't have any ties to Lord Bills, So I have no real reason to follow after you. [/color]" Sinthe told Trunks bluntly, he didn't know the guy nor did he think he could help him with his own quest.