"We know your here, Sayian! Surrender yourself and your death will be quick!" [i]Not gonna happen.[/i] Vekon thought to himself as he fled deeper into the system of caves where he had chosen to make his final stand. [i]Mother and Father always told me that the Sayian are among the mightiest races in the galaxy, if that's true then how did these creatures kill them so easily?![/i] "We'll give you to the count of five to surrender yourself, If not we'll most likely end up burying you alive! Either option works for us." "One." [i]Crap.[/i] "Two" [i]Maybe I can blast a hole through the rocks and get out. [/i] "Three" [i]I wonder if that Super Sayian legend that mother and father always spoke of could have saved me.[/i] "Four." [i]Too bad I can't take them down with me.[/i] "Five!" A bright flash of light seemed to envelope him for a moment as he felt blasts of energy beginning to shake the cavern as rocks began to fall all around him. He wondered if it was a sign that he was about to die as he closed his eyes. A moment later, he realized that he was still alive and there were no further sounds of battle. He carefully opened one eye and saw what appeared to be a group of people standing next to him. He opened his other eye and took in the surroundings and the others and he realized he didn't recognize any of them at all. [i]“My name is Trunks. I’d like you all to follow me. I’ll explain everything soon enough.”[/i] His gaze turned to the one who called himself Trunks and he looked around the area for a brief moment before he spoke." Did...Are you the one who brought us here?" He asked carefully. He needed to make sure that he hadn't just traded one bad situation for an even worse one, although being buried alive in complete darkness was somewhat hard to top.