Buxton welcomed Karen with a warm smile, [b]"Good morning recruit. Was no trouble, although most of the thanks should go to the Innkeeper and the stable-boy; they moved most of them before we even came out."[/b] Buxton found her gaze quickly scanning around for the said stable boy but realised she hadn't seem him herself that morning. She went to respond to the question about food when a newcomer interjected [b]"If no one has, you can simply forage for it. Lest you're afraid of what lurks in the bushes.”[/b] Buxton shared a raised eyebrow with Chester and with a flick of her eyes told him to speak to whoever this newcomer was. [b]"As for provision, if you look in your saddle bag you should find fruit, nuts, cured beef, bread and two water skins. I advice buying and carrying as much extra food as you can because we will likely be living off the land for the most part; no easy task up North, especially during this time of the year."[/b] Buxton said the words loud enough for both parties to hear in an attempt to avoid having to repeat herself. Chester was happy to step away from Karen, feeling unreasonably awkward after having overheard her and the magician the night before. [b]"And whom, my lady, would you be?"[/b] he requested of the brown haired vixen before him, looking straight into her warm eyes. Though his words were fairly friendly, his tone was somewhat more serious. As polite as he liked to be, he would need to be more austere from today onwards and a random arrival was not something he could just glance over. [b]"You wouldn't by any chance be Gwenyfar Ravenspire? The addition that conscripted herself without notice sometime last night?"[/b] He wasn't angry with her, but he did intend to test her.