As he turned around to follow Roxy he tripped up over his feet and fell onto her. Pushing with his glove covered hands against the wall to make sure he didnt touch hee but it was too late his chin touched the back of her head for a second and his hair became more her shade of black as part of her shadow manipulation was drained from her. (As the touch lasted barely a second only powers were drained and so little that she will only feel a slight drop in her abilities) He sjddenly saw the shadows around him in a different way feeling each with his mind as if they were physical. Not wanting to waste the power he put it at the back of his mind after forcing it with all of his will and the shadows cleared but the power was still there waiting to be used. "So sorry!" He exclaimed hoping he hadnt drained anything else. He then looked up at the note and thought to himself [i]more riddlea huh?[/i]