[b]Arthur Dennis Mulley[/b] [b][i]A hardcore Second Amendment, First Amendment and Fourth Amendment nut. He loves the Constitution. . . At the age of seventy he is a righteous warrior grandpa, defending his life and others every Purge Night. He looks to be thirty eight years old, and his physical shape is still in his prime. He knows grappling extremely well, and his muscular, sleek stature, and ability to hit hard and repeatedly while taking people's body blows, even two by fours is incredible. With his intelligence, he is a master trap and tracking expert, a survivalist who was once forced to fight a gang of twelve grown men, from their teen years to mid-twenties in the last Purge. He packs everything from a 12-Gauge shot gun; Assault Rifle and a .65 imported Austrian Handgun, putting to shame the enemy's power to fight in almost every battle. His Greek Wrestling techniques, Irish martial arts and Krav Maga have all gotten him one first place prize in each martial arts Tournament, and has led to him becoming a semi-legend. He's won five Marksmanship contests and can fight with such powerful skill with fire arms, bare fists, combat knives and if need be machetes and swords, some have mistaken him for being an insane combat nut. His real weapon is his mind. The long story and short story of it is you do not want to meet him in any place where you can't run, should you get in trouble. [/i][/b]