[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Mallory%20Munroe&name=MissBrooks.ttf&size=50&style_color=FF4000[/img] [b]Manhattan, New York - New York University Campus then to Brooklyn, New York[/b][/center] [hr] A very light skinned female could be seen sitting there with her chin inside the palm of her hand, a slight sigh huffing from her now as her professor had it on the news. She had her headphones in and was nodding her head to the music that played. Her eyes shifted towards the television screen briefly before looking back down and writing down a few notes from the board before her. Suddenly, a loud bell went off and she jumped slightly, causing everyone who saw her to laugh. Her best friend, Emily came to her defense. [b]"How would guys like if you jumped at a loud noise and people laughed at you?"[/b] She raised her fists up towards them as they all scoffed and walked away. Mallory looked up at Emily with a smile, softly speaking towards her. [color=ff4000][b]"Thanks but you really didn't have to do that."[/b][/color] Emily shrugged her shoulders while turning heel and walking alongside Mallory now. [b]"I know but hey, what kind of friend would I be if I let them get away with something like that."[/b] Mallory shook her head at Emily's response as they made their way to the front of the campus now and stood there chit-chatting for awhile. [color=ff4000][b]"So, you want to go and get a bite to eat?"[/b][/color] Mallory offered Emily, who looked at her, shaking her head. [b]"I would love to but I have one more class, which I am so late for. Toodles. We'll talk later."[/b] She waved goodbye to Emily while turning and walking towards the parking lot, getting inside of her car and starting the engine. She grasped her fingertips around the steering wheel for a moment before backing out, almost hitting another car. She slammed on her brakes and waved towards the guy while saying sorry but the guy did nothing but flip her off and continued on driving. Mallory made her way towards Brooklyn, which was nothing but a fifteen minute drive from Manhattan, well with no traffic. She wanted to go to the local diner they had there since the food was amazing, although the service wasn't exactly grade A. She chuckled at the slight thought that crossed her mind while pulling up into a nearby parking spot and turning her car off. Mallory reached down and grabbed her clutch purse and cell phone, sending her brother a text. [color=ff4000][[i][b]I am in your neck of the woods. Meet me at Mary's Diner, fool![/b][/i]][/color] She pressed the send button with a slight smirk then got out of her vehicle. She walked into the diner and asked for a table for two. Of course, the person eyed her with a raised brow and Mallory looked at them. [color=ff4000][b]"My brother is coming. Now, table for two."[/b][/color] She commented as the hostess showed her towards the table and sat the menus down. [b]"Someone will be with you shortly. Okay?"[/b] The hostess said then walked away. Her phone chimed and she quickly reached out and grabbed it, reading the text message her brother sent her. With a smile, she turned her phone off and sat it back down onto the table, reviewing her eyes over the menu.[hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Matthew%20Munroe&name=MissBrooks.ttf&size=50&style_color=00b7FF[/img] [b]Brooklyn, New York - New York's Dance Studio then Mary's Diner[/b][/center][hr] [color=00b7ff][b]"Alright. Come on, guys. I am going to show you one more time. Okay?"[/b][/color] A young boy voice said as he broke down a few dance moves step by step in a gigantic mirror before him. He then turned heel and eyed every single one of the participants and made sure they understood the steps before going any further with them. [color=00b7ff][b]"Okay. Here we go then. 1..2..1, 2 and..."[/b][/color] The music started and the group before him began to dance. Matthew nodded his head to the music but watching everyone's movements carefully, making sure no one misses a step. [color=00b7ff][b]"Nice."[/b][/color] He said with smile while giving everyone a high five then running over towards his bag after hearing his phone chime. It was a text message from his sister, inviting him to the local diner to eat with her. Matthew smiled a little then started typing a reply. [color=00b7ff][[i][b]Be there shortly, Sis.[/b][/i]][/color] After hitting the send button, he got back up to his feet and eyed his group of dancers. [color=00b7ff][b]"Alright, from the top!"[/b][/color] His voice yelled excitedly then his hands clapped together repeatedly. After dancing for a few more minutes, he ended his class for the day and wished that everyone be safe and hoped that they have a good night. Matthew didn't bother taking his car towards the diner, since the walk was about three minutes from the studio. Upon reaching the diner and entering, his eyes squinted as he searched for his sister. [color=00b7ff][b]"Hey, I am here to meet someone."[/b][/color] The hostess blushed and winked. [b]"Well, here I am, sailor."[/b] Matthew raised a brow at her then saw his sister at a nearby table. [color=00b7ff][b]"Never mind. I see my sister."[/b][/color] He started to walk away but then turned around. [color=00b7ff][b]"Oh, by the way, I'm gay."[/b][/color] He winked while walking over and seeing his sister, sitting down in front of her. [color=00b7ff][b]"Hey, sis."[/b][/color] He spoke as Mallory raised her head up from her menu. [color=ff4000][b]"Hey there. So, how was class? Well, you know, dance class."[/b][/color] She asked. Matthew nodded his head while picking up his menu, speaking. [color=00b7ff][b]"It was exhausting but I got through it."[/b][/color] Matthew commented then looked up and could've sworn he seen a guy that had just teleported. Matthew tried his best not to stare but couldn't help it. Mallory raised a brow then turned to look at the male then back at her brother. [color=ff4000][b]"Why are you staring at him like that?"[/b][/color] She'd ask as her brother stammered while pointing his index finger towards the male. [color=00b7ff][b]"Because, he just teleported. I am not going crazy. I saw what I saw."[/b][/color] Matthew replied as Mallory shook her head, leaning back in her seat. Matthew continued to stare at the male, seeing if he was going to teleport again or not.