Lexi looked over at the other male, ah yes the demigod of Misery, He didn't care for the demigd personalliy but he smiles gently and nodded his head "Hello" he said kindly and hears the young demigod yell "CHECKMATE" the young demigod yelled as the knight had pinned the king and the Hrcate son laughed and nodded "very nicely done my young friend" he priased watching as the small stone creatures walked around on the board in happiness pradaing near his team as the stone creatures laughed and nodded their heads. The daughter of Monsters glared slightly "Names Luna" she mutters as she eats her apple calmly eyes closed gently content and enjoying all her life. The girl smirks as the chess peices laughed and pranced around and nodded his head "Lexi, I thought you would have won for sure" purred the female as lexi rolled his eyes. "Not all children of Magic win battles with their own peices" he said as he yawned and streached as he breathed on the peices and they died and fell dorment and he put them back onto the pouch he had around his waist. "I"m off to my cabin to do some spells, If anyone needs me you know where I am" he said as he hears a scream and whirled around slightly seeing racheal there "whoa racheal whats wrong?" he asked as the girl eyes where glowing white and stareing and pointing at the four demigods "come along a adventure awaits all four of you, come hear the news of the Olympain gods"