Béatrix walked out of the alley and down the street a ways to where she parked her bike. Swinging one leg over the dark blue Kawasaki Ninja ZX14, Trixy pulled out the keys and revved the engine to life. The sleek crotch rocket purred beneath her as she put it in gear and tore out into the city streets, like a bat out of hell. If the streets weren’t so congested, she would certainly be maxing the speed limits of the bike, she settled for gracefully weaving in and out of traffic instead. Eventually, Trixy got to where she was going - her apartment in east Manhattan. The place was a well-furnished, spacious loft located in a relatively high class area. Murdering wealthy supernaturals for a living had its perks, but Trixy was unliving proof that money couldn’t buy happiness. Once home, Trixy parked her bike in the garage and scampered up the steps to shower the day away. She couldn’t help but feel that she walked away from a piece of herself in that alleyway… Trixy spent the afternoon getting ready for her outing. She had to call a very panicked Carl to tell him what happened that caused her to lose the perp, and to tell him that she was taking the rest of the day off. He knew better than to pry for more information about meeting her soul mate, recognizing the harshness of her tone. Trixy straightened her ebony angled bob so that it was sharp as a razor’s edge, the longest pieced just barely dusting her collarbone. The makeup she put on was dark and dramatic, only serving to make her eerily blue eyes and porcelain skin pop even more. Not all vampires had red eyes, but they were all easily identified by the unnatural brightness of their color, especially when they were using compulsion. For dress, Trixy wore a black and blue French inspired corset, a tight black mini skit, fishnets, and knee high boots. The club she was headed to was a big goth hangout, an easy place for a vampire, or any supernatural, to blend in. Trixy took the subway there, getting more than a fair share of lingering stares from passengers. In the club, the music was thumping loud with bass. It was dark and the strobing lights only gave brief flashes to illuminate the faces of the patrons. With Trixy’s eyesight, however, she was easily able to scan the crowd for tonight’s potential meal. First things first, she parked herself in a stool at the bar, lighting up a cigarette and inhaling deeply. The spicy smoke filled her lungs and she exhaled slowly, a steady white stream passing through her barely parted lips, somehow making the habit seem sensual. The bartender caught sight of her and asked her what she wanted to drink. “Whiskey, straight, the hardest kind you have.” She said. The tender raised his brow, probably assessing that she looked like a light-weight, little did he know that she could drink him under the table. Vampires couldn’t really get drunk from alcohol, but that didn’t stop them from trying to catch a buzz. The only way they could truly get wasted was by overindulging on a drunk human’s blood. The bartender brought her the drink and she started a tab on her card. Trixy continued taking drags off her cigarette and stared into her drink. Somehow, her mind swirled the brown color of the whiskey into the image of Bartholomew, it was so much like the color of his eyes, and his shaggy chin length hair… Béatrix shook the image out of her mind in frustration before downing the drink and placing the glass on the bar with a loud [i]clink[/i]. After standing up, Trixy headed into the crowd of dancing bodies, determined to clear her mind of her own thoughts. Amdist the sea of grinding bodies, Béatrix lifted her arms above her head and gave her body over to the beat. She opened her mind to let the thoughts of those around her flood in. In moments, she was drowning in the feelings of pleasure and lust of those around her. One person’s thoughts in particular caught her attention, she spun her body around until her eyes locked on the source of them. He was tattooed, tall, and staring right at her. Boldly, Trixy broke from the crowd and strutted towards him with one thought on her mind: [i]dinner[/i]. [i]“Hey gorgeous, what brings you here?”[/i] he opened once she was close enough. Trixy smiled in reply, turning on the vampire charm, “I met my soulmate today,” she said nonchalantly. [i]“Oh, well, where are they?”[/i] he asked, eye briefly scanning the surrounding area. “Not here.” Her grin was wicked before she wrapped her arms over his shoulders and looked up into his eyes. “Dance with me?” she purred.