Name: - Alias(s): Honey Day Age: 32 Affiliations: None Factions: None [hider=Honey][img][/img][/hider] Description: 5'9". Thin, pale complexion. Appears to never bathe and yet... She always smells of flowers, evergreen, or some plant in between. Powers: Life Manipulation: Honey has ability to full manipulate life around her in a positive manner. If her optimistic smile and attitude doesn't make your life positive enough, she exudes an aura, (approximately twenty-five meters) of happiness that is a bit infectious and infatuating to those around her. People claim to be deeply satisfied with life around Honey, but some unfortunate few, do report only a mild increase of happiness. Her aura's ability is said to have the ability to slowly heal wounds and cure diseases and other ailments over time. The closer you are, the effects become noticeable. Life Creation: Honey can create life, although she mainly uses this ability to create various flora, including but not limited to: local, exotic, and non-existent, being able to create mythical things with mythical effects. Plants are easiest to create but Honey can also extend her talents to create animals, difficulty ranging from simple bugs to primates to things found in only fiction. She can alter a subject to grow and mature rapidly, allowing a creation to skip the infantile stages in a matter of moments. Her Life Creation ability offers a huge variety of defensive possibilities, such as healing, non-lethal suppression, and protection. Anything she creates will follow any commands issued by Honey and Honey alone. But for everything she brings into the world, she must remain nearby as many of her constructs decay at a very rapid rate (eventually to ash) while she leaves them unattended for a span of time. Weakness: Everything she creates ends up being very docile, even predatory animals, whose instinct is to kill to survive, will not kill. Honey, by her choice even, has no offensive abilities and will not be the aggressor in any fight. Another drawback is that Honey's Happy Aura does not discriminate and will cheer up and heal anyone in her aura, including opponents. Skills: A very skilled gardener, animal-whisper, avid musician Equipment: A small country home Ranking: A Brief History: Honey Day is essentially 'non-existent' as far as the government is concerned. Her true identity was erased at around the time the "Hots" and "Colds" were a common saying (Pre-Arc) by a very Well-Spoken Man. She makes her own food, sings on the street for money, and pays only a small amount to a landlord (thanks to a very convincing aura). Her tastes in 1970s music and fashion added with her hippie lifestyle, it is believed she died back then but that's really only a rumor circling around those that know her. As of two weeks ago, Honey has left her quaint little dwelling for the battleground that is Los Angeles. She felt a real urge to do good and find her calling in this second life.