[@Song Book] Satisfied that there was nothing else of use in the room, Felice exited and started toward the next one. As he left, however, he left a small mark to the side of the door with a marker he had picked up while scouring the desk. It wasn't any bigger than a pinky fingerprint, and contained the letters "VP" with a line through it. It wasn't much, but hopefully the others would get the message. With the room marked, he looked back toward his partner before indicating that he was moving on. Of course, as he started toward the next door, he decided that they probably couldn't waste time examining all of the other rooms the same way. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to look too hard for any sign of what they would be looking for. This game was already a mess as practice for a mission; what kind of person would send a squad in completely blind like that for something time-sensitive? Even government agents had moles, right? Not that he could really do anything about it. Letting out a quiet sigh at their helplessness, the short boy peered through the doorway of the next room and quickly looked around.