[b]Odessa, Texas[/b] Claire was tired of Peter and she wasn't just going to budge. As he spoke to her, started grabbing things like her car keys and cellphone. "You're wrong Peter. Maybe it was easy for them to hunt us, because our people were under the radar. If you kill or capture someone hiding from the rest of the world then you have no one to look into it. If you think I'm so wrong, how about you copy a power that'll help YOUR case! You probably have it already since you think you know everything." Claire said as she headed for the door, but stopped as she had more to say. She was just too riled up. "If not... just deal with it. You can't change what's happpening. It was already going to happen Peter. The Company failed. It was just a temporary solution to the inevitable. Secrets don't last forever." She said softly before storming out of her house. She had a press conference to catch in an hour, and didn't need her uncle ruining her vibe. -------- [b]Los Angeles, California[/b] This woman did it... she actually killed Michael's mood. Well, more like wounded it. He took a deep breath before taking a seat in chair. He scooted it over so he was sitting right across from Blaire. "I can relate... I had to see a lot of those kids today and I've only been in for an hour... Have you considered counseling? I'm just asking to let you know there's an alternative to drugs. Drugs can lead to so many side effects, such as... lying to a doctor about being depressed, selling your prescribed drugs, and abusing them as well." Michael said in a serious tone as he looked at Blaire. His eyes We're piercing as he waited on her reaction, but his smile broke his composed look. Then a chuckle escaped the man. "Who am I kidding... I'll get you some Blaire, only because I partially believe you." Michael said as he stood up. "But you can't say anything. If I lose my job, you lose your source. Especially if it's me." Michael was being conceited now. "Dose?" He asked.