Tonight had not been a good night for House Winter. Winter himself was barely holding himself together, his back currently pressed against those of his brothers Frost and Ici in order to give themselves 360% coverage from attacks while they sent deadly beam after deadly beam into any alien mercenary stupid enough to enter their field of vision; More then one family member had been stolen from them tonight by being overwhelmed and murdered from behind by the cowardly bastards... The ruined building that had once been the main manor of House Winter... that had once been their home was carpeted and painted with the bodies and blood of various aliens and family alike. Winter tried to ignore the bodies of his clan members that had already fallen, tried to keep himself composed in order to stay focused and get himself and his brothers through this terrible night; He would not allow himself to be the weak link in their defense! Soon through, the seemingly endless tide of alien scum started to falter and Winter couldn't help but feel relived by the respite... until all three of their scouters started to go crazy at the approach of a single being. Winter's heart sank a little at the sheer amount of power that was coming their way; It could only have been the [i]Usurper[/i] Cold himself. There was a moment where Winter shared a look with his brothers, a silent question between them of if they should fight of flee... but all three of them knew the answer in their hearts. If they turned and fled now, they would never be able to outrun the shame of not fighting to the bitter end when all the rest of the clan had done so. When Cold reveled himself, there was no hesitation from Winter or either of his brothers as they charged at him with the intention of killing him or dying trying. Winter was the first to arrive within attacking distance, firing off a short ranged but strong Ki Blast Cannon, only to be completely caught off guard by the fact that despite tratior king's freakish size he was insanely fast and easily dodged his attack, countering it with a kick to his ribs that sent him flying through a wall and half burying him in a second one. Pain consumed Winter's mind and vision as his ribs felt like they had been absolutely shattered by the blow, his breathing labored because of broken bones that were now pressing against his lung. As his vision returned to him Winter really, [i]really[/i] wished it hadn't. Ici had been impaled on one of Cold's horns, unmoving while Cold himself had quite firmly grabbed onto Frost's face. Even has Frost struggled to free himself, Cold's hand simply lit up and... Frost's headless body dropped to the floor. Winter didn't notice the bright light or the fact that he was sitting somewhere that wasn't his own planet, buried in rubble right away. In fact, he didn't seem to notice that he wasn't alone either. All that was going through his mind, all that he could see... was that final, terrible moment in which his brothers were unmade. When Winter made a noise, it wasn't a word but a cry. His broken ribs may have limited its volume a lot but the pain only deepened the sheer, mind numbing anguish that was consuming his soul. It was clear that whatever he had been summoned here for, he was neither physically or mentally prepared to deal with it right now.