POP. POP. POPOPOPOPOPOPOP!. A display of fireworks began overhead, the crackling and the snapping, the bright reds and yellows, and dazzling explosions went off overhead. The night sky was glowing with color and it seemed very odd considering what was happening on other worlds. Then the fireworks stopped as quickly as they began. Smoke and bits of things fell from the air, like a light snow. Had anyone tried to look for the source they would have seen that they were coming from the third district. Those watching would also notice something else. It was the faint sound of a struggle going on. The giant door to the Third district was shut, assuring heartless would keep away. Right next to the party the door of the shop opened wide. A man with goggles looked at them for a moment then toward the third district. [b]"What's with all that racket? Sounds like ya'll are setting off fireworks."[/b] For those that knew anything about Traverse Town or the restoration organization in Radiant Garden, this was Cid Highwind. [b]"Hey, are those keyblades?"[/b] Cid asked, looking at the large weapons in the hands of the kids. [b]"Riku'd get a kick outa you guys. If only he were here and no screwing around in.. uh. doesn't matter. What are you kids doing out here?"[/b]