The man who spoke to her, addressed her in a serious tone, though still polite. Gwenyfar bowed at the waist to him and answered dutifully. She would adhere to the foreign woman in due time, but this was needed first. The man had light brown eyes with black hair, and thick dark brows to match. To her, he looked as if he had seen a great deal of wars or battles in his lifetime. But there was something else behind those eyes, something that she couldn't place just yet. “[color=a2d39c]Aye. ‘Twas I. I am Gwenyfar Ravenspire, daughter of Agnar Ravenspire, the smith from Amaranth Village. Though I am no longer his daughter nor he my father. I heard of your need of recruits and had only signed my name last night. I found the inn to be empty of any recruiting officers, so I added my name to your list. If you doubt my appearance allow me to elaborate. I am a woman of many skills. Not only do I know how to wield my blade, I know how to sharpen it, mend it, and skin any man’s hide with it. I am also a smith. I know how to forge various items from your common iron dagger to a steel blade, be it short, long or broad; as well as the finer side of smithing with jewelry and the like. I am not afraid of death for I have killed many. I am a sellsword by trade if you truly want to know. I live by my own moral code of ethics, of integrity, honesty, clarity and enlightenment. I figure that I can at least be but a footsoldier for the Consano to rid the world of this awful plague, and the havoc the dead have wrought. I am a free woman and intend to continue being one, despite any man or plague lest I am rendered incapable of raising my blade.[/color]” With that Gwenyfar finished and kept her gaze solidious with his. Her face void of any emotion except determination. She did not mean to challenge the man, but at least she could get her two coppers in before they turned her away. Besides, she had her own mount. Asper pawed the ground repeatedly as affirming Gwenyfar's very own words. Which led in turn to a gentle pull of the reins from Gwen’s encircled hand. “[color=a2d39c]What say you, my liege? Will you accept my blade and hand?[/color]” Here she extended her own hand out to him for him to shake in agreement.