[center][h3][u][b]Collaboration between Cherise (c3p-0h), Kasha (YoshiSkittlez) and Ren's Abra (GrandzHelios)[/b][/u][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=silver]"Vee?"[/color] [color=red]"Hmm?"[/color] Kasha turned her head to look down at the silver Pokemon on her shoulder, confused at the Eevee's sudden noise though it didn't sound as though he was trying to get her attention. Instead, the Pokemon seemed rather confused as he looked around its person, quickly to the left, right, up, down; searching for something. [color=red]"Hey, everything alright? You look like you dropped something."[/color] Kasha paused, [color=red]"Have you been sneaking Pokepuffs again?"[/color] she asked, a slight twinge of reprimand in her voice. Eevee looked back to his trainer, shaking his head no frantically. [color=silver]"Vee! Eevee Eevee Vee Vee!"[/color] The Pokemon sat up, his paws reaching up towards his head, trying to tell Kasha something but she was unable to pick up on what, exactly. [color=red]"Uh... you want... a hat?[/color] Kasha tried, pressing her lips into a firm line as she tried to think on what the Pokemon was trying to tell her. Cerise, meanwhile, was looking down at her berry-stained arms in disgust. Little blue footprints dotted her skin. She swore, if that dumb gecko had stained her clothes too… Huffing, she repositioned her bag on her shoulder, careful to keep Iris steady in her other arm. [color=pink]"You're definitely the favorite,"[/color] she murmured to the little Gothita. Iris stared up at her in response. She began walking across the field back towards the lab when a thought stopped her in her tracks: She hadn't put Iris in a Pokeball yet. Which meant that lizard thing was technically her starter. Cerise groaned and hung her head. [color=pink]"Nope,"[/color] she announced, [color=pink]"absolutely not."[/color] Marching back to the tree, Cerise plopped herself down and rummaged through her bag for an empty Pokeball. She pulled one out and held it up in front of Iris' face. The pokemon stared at the odd red ball for a moment, before focusing back on Cerise. [color=pink]"This'll just be real quick,"[/color] she cooed in a gentle voice. [color=pink]"A flash and then it's over, kay? Won't hurt a bit."[/color] At least, it wasn't supposed to hurt. Cerise had never been in a Pokeball before. How was she supposed to know? The Gothita disappeared in a flash of red. The Pokeball shook for a few moments and then fell still. Smiling, Cerise pushed the center button again, and Iris reappeared in the girl's lap. [color=pink]"See? Easy."[/color] Abra continued to sit on Eevee's back while Kasha lived in the dark about his presence. Abra teleported away and reappeared with a shiny gem. The yellow Pokemon held it out in front of the silver Pokemon but at an angle away from Kasha's attention. Then the psychic Pokemon threw the shiny object at a nearby young girl. Cerise jumped when something sparkly landed at her side. [color=pink]"What…?"[/color] She leaned in a little closer, inspecting the random gem. [color=silver]"Vee! Eevee Eevee Vee Vee Vee!"[/color] Kasha wasn't expecting the shiny Eevee to jump from her shoulder straight to the grass below them. Granted, Kasha wasn't exactly the tallest person in the world, but the distance was quite the jump for the small Pokemon but he seemed unperturbed as his paws hit the grass and not half a second later was darting away in the opposite direction they had been walking having spotted the shiny gem being thrown. [color=red]"Eevee?"[/color] For a second, Kasha didn't even know what had happened, but after a few moments, she managed to catch the tail-end glimpse of a small, yellowish Pokemon riding on the back of Eevee and suddenly everything made sense. Bringing up her hand to cover her mouth, stifling a small giggle, Kasha adjusted the grip she had on the backpack strap across her shoulder and quickly moved to catch up with her Pokemon. Cerise was taken by surprise when a silver Eevee burst into her line of vision (…was that an Abra on its back?), giving a small 'eep'. It seemed the Pokemon was more interested in the little gem than it was in her, though. Iris watched the scene, impassive. The yellow Pokemon rode on the silver Eevee's back as it charged at Cerise. Abra looked mildly amused but it could have a bit more fun. It stared at the gem rubbing its palms together in a devious manner. Eevee held no attention for the dark-skinned girl or the Gothita in her lap. Instead, he approached the gem cautiously, pawing at it from as far of a distance as he could, curious as to it's nature and where it had come from. He knew something was off, but the young Pokemon still wasn't able to piece together what it was that was bugging him. Therefore, the mysterious gem had to be the culprit. [color=silver]"Vee?"[/color] Getting a little braver, Eevee approached the gem closer, spotting his own distorted reflection on it's surface and tilted his head curiously. He sniffed it, pawed at it again, and when it didn't do anything, he sat back on his haunches, head tilting to the other side completely confused before looking up at Cerise, as though he were expecting her to have the answer. [color=silver]"Vee! Eevee Eev?"[/color] Cerise and Iris shared a look. [color=pink]"Uhh…hi?"[/color] Catching up to the small cluster of confusion, Kasha slowed her steps and stooped down onto one knee next to her Eevee and patted him on the back of the head a few times for reassurance. [color=red]"I see you've made some friends."[/color] Kasha said to Eevee, moving her hand down and used them both to pick up the small Abra up and away from Eevee, holding him up underneath his armpits and gave him a quick look over. She had never seen an Abra up this close before. If she didn't know any better, she would say that he was sleeping. [color=red]"You're quite the mischievous one, little guy."[/color] Kasha told Abra, though not at all in a negative way. In fact, she let out a soft chuckle though it was quickly drowned out as she finally realized that she wasn't entirely alone with Pokemon. [color=red]"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there..."[/color] Kasha said, spotting Cerise and then turned the Pokemon around in her hands so that he was facing the girl opposite her. [color=red]"Is this your Abra?"[/color]