Hello everyone. I am at the moment writing a post for next turn. If you missed yours, don't worry you'll have plenty of time to catch up. I just wanted to take a moment to explain why I sometimes miss certain parts of your post. Why? Because I just now realized why! So sometimes I just miss things. I missed Cyclone's cotton, without much reason. Sometimes you just miss words. The main reason I miss things is however that I read all of your posts when they are posted. I peek in every once in a while to see new posts, and I read them immediately, meaning it could take 2 more days before I advance the turn, meaning in those 2 days I might've forgotten a detail or two. I'm not very good with short-term memory, so sometimes things just don't stick. I do my best to at least read the summary of every post though when I go ahead and advance the turn, even if I read the post 2 days ago or 2 minutes ago. Which is why the summary is so important. Stay strong fellow fleshlings. Post incoming!