Solenne watched and read the sketchbook as the Siren held it out to him. Solenne nodded slowly, that was something he could understand. Having to hide an ‘ability’ like it was something to be afraid of. Something vampires knew all too well. Solenne watched as Mia attempted to coax the pair up with the offer of a free desert. Solenne smiled at Mia’s attempt to fulfil what he had intended to do but then shook his head, mouthing it’s ok to both her and the Siren. His hand resting on top of his guitar, he placed his chin on top. He bit his tongue gently trying to think of something else to do for the customers. Suddenly another voice interrupted his thoughts. The voice was coming from his side. Solenne shook his head and laughed “Honestly, I’ve not thought about parties and weddings” he reached into his pocket and produced a business card, slipping it into the mans hand “My name is Solenne Nocturne, this is my agents card...she’ll work something out if you want me to come play” he smiled before stepping off the stage. He gave the a small grin before smiling at the door as it opened. In stormed his agent, blonde hair astray and carrying another guitar and his amp “Hey, speak of the devil” Solenne smiled. “I am not your roadie” She pouted and pressed the guitar into the vampire’s hands. “You are when I’m in a good mood” Solenne retorted with a grin. The blonde simply frowned before she grinned and looked around the cafe “where is she!” Solenne pointed at Mia. The blonde immediately pounced, gushing and asking a million on one questions about Mia. SOlenne shook his head and grinned, swapping his guitars over. The acoustic changed out for a slick red Strat. Solenne plugged it into the amp, strumming out the opening to The Ramone’s Blitzkrieg Bop “awwright” he smiled and pulled the Siren’s partner up to the stage “This is for Mia and Blondie” Solenne laughed and began playing The Ramones “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” before looking at the other guy and winking “I hope you know the song buddy.”