[h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2] [center][i]Brooklyn, New York - So five heroes enter a cafe.[/i][/center] Adrien was bustling left and right with the sudden onslaught of customers, it was rare when so many congregated at one time but that wasn't to say it wasn't a good thing. He made a note to drop by the twins table to grab their order after he made sure that everything was alright with this guy. He was very antsy already, more customers meant more demands and more demands meant he'd be filling orders until midnight with this many streaming in. He wondered if he should worry about any more and decided he'd give his section to Marla if it got to that. Speaking of giving to Marla, he slipped her the fifty and she beamed with delight, he nearly started laughing at her sudden shift in step but he made his way back to the table. Jason was talking about his job in between bites of his food and Adrien felt his eyebrows raise into his hairline as he listened to him. He didn't know what he had done to interest the man and honestly it made him want to know. He had a lot going for him in the looks department but the man didn't seem to interested in him that way, so what was it? His interest was peaked and he found himself bracing his hands against the table lightly as he listened and his gaze flickered to the side. Marla had always been an eavesdropper and he wasn't about to take any chances with her listening into his conversations. "[color=6ecff6]It's an alright job, I'm not suffering or anything but if you've got something better that you think I could do,[/color]" he glanced down at his nails, his cuticles looked terrible lately, he'd have to push them back again. His nails were kind of a mess, he picked at one thoughtfully before glancing back up as if realizing he'd drifted off during talking. "[color=6ecff6]I think I might have to talk to you about that offer, I- I get on break in about five to ten minutes depending. We can talk then.[/color]" his voice was a soft undertone and he straightened up, running a hand through his blond locks. "[color=6ecff6]You'll have time to finish your food, I'll grab you in a moment, darling.[/color]" Giving him a motion with his hand, he headed into the back and scooped up Kai's plate before heading out with a confident stride. Settling the plate before the man, he smiled warmly and nodded to him. "[color=6ecff6]Flag me over if you need me.[/color]" Turning pace, he headed to where the twins had settled in and where one seemed to be staring blatantly at the table he'd just served. Mustering his best bright smile, he pulled out his notepad. "[color=6ecff6]Can I get your orders?[/color]"