Name: Fletcher Parkmen Alias: Blink Gender: Male Age: 23 Affiliation: The Heroes Faction: None [hider=Description:] General Clothes: [IMG][/IMG] In-costume [img][/img] Jacob completes this costume with a mask to cover his face. Jacob isn't psychically very strong he goes the the gym and looks after himself but he's no body builder. [/hider] Powers: Fletcher can Teleport to literally any place he has visited and can remember. This is only limited by his mental willpower he could if he wanted to teleport a whole building but in doing so it would overload his brain and cause him to have several seizure or strokes. He can comfortably teleport a maximum of 4 people or a Van (with nobody inside), anymore and it starts to take a toll on him both physically and mentally. Fletcher does not have to teleport with the object or person he teleports. Fletcher needs to be able to concentrate on his target so if he was in pain or had a headache (basically distracted) he would not be able to focus on the location. Fletcher's power works through physicals touch, so he must touch the thing he want to teleport. Skills: - Trained in Jujutsu and is a Black belt in the Art - Journalist - Eidetic Memory - Natural Charmer - Street Smart Equipment: - Camera - Notepad - Mechanical Pencil - Collapsible Steel Baton Rank: A Background: Fletcher lived a rather ordinary life, went to school excelled in his lessons and passed his GCSE’s with flying colours. Than his mother died, a Brain Tumour the doctors were baffled as to how such a thing went unnoticed. She just went to sleep and never woke up. This all happened when he was 16. Fletcher mourned and got on with his life, his Father didn’t. He became a raging alcoholic and when Fletcher finished Sixth form his father died from Alcohol poisoning. Fletcher was distraught but not surprised, orphaned Fletcher looked for a job not finding one he decided to work as a journalist and instantly found his calling. Landing 12 good stories he managed to earn enough money to buy a small apartment. Second is the story after receiving their abilities. After 31 amazing stories that all landed him a nice bag of cash Fletcher turned his eye to Photography. Instantly he took to it, and spent a year of his life using his camera to help him gather evidence for his stories. Of course he went down a dark road of using blackmail to get what he wanted, but that is all in the past. After he discovered his power he abused quite a lot. Stealing a lot of money in order to move to Washington and buy himself a small and well stocked house full of everything he wanted. He soon grew bored and guilty of this and decided to stop stealing and to only use his power for good. He thought of himself as Superman. Journalist by day and Hero by night. Now he’s working on a big story that he hopes will provide him with some answers...