[b][u]A collab post between Charak, Destiny and Night[/u][/b] [color=007236]Albert[/color] [color=00aeef]Ryi[/color] [color=00a99d]Sam[/color] [hider=TL:DR] Random food collecting could lead to random battling who knows... All this and more on route 4. [/hider] Sam was leading the trio onto route 4. It was getting dark though. He turned to the others. [color=00a99d]"It is getting dark, so we could either rush to Santalune CIty, or we could set up camp here and spend the night among the pokemon."[/color] [color=007236]" I say we should stay the night in the woods."[/color] Albert responded Ryi sighed out, all this walking and that battle earlier tired him out, he stretch his arms and noticed big log and sat down on it. “[color=00aeef]Sure! I am beat, also hungry that for sure right Remma?” [/color] beaitufly flew around the area and landed on his head agreeing on it. “Beau.” Ryi smiled as he pulled out form his back were a tin of cookies he and for the trip incase he got hungry. They were sweet with a hint of vanilla…yummy as ever. Deino was sniffing around the bush's, then it noticed the wafting smell of vanilla, flowing through the air like a divine gift from arceus. its head was arching towards the scent, and like some sort of predatorial instinct it slowly began its stalking of the smell. moving slowly and surely it was about to leap and- [color=007236]"hey Deino come on over"[/color] Albert said with a grin as he whistled for Deino to come join him, Deino happily obliged. [color=007236]"Now then guy's what sort of supplies do we have on hand?"[/color] Sam got his backpack, and got a small cube out of it. He threw it on the ground, then picked up Froakie from his hand. [color=00a99d]"Froakie, can you use Bubble on the cube?"[/color] "Froakie!" He said while jumping out of Sam's arms and using Bubble on the cube. The cube then started to inflate, reacting with the water, and before they knew it, it was a small tent. [color=00a99d]"Well, this is my 'room' for the night. You better get yours set up before we make the preperations for dinner."[/color] As he looked at the cube thing Ryi was a bit confused, he never seen such a thing before and once Sam’s Froakie used bubble on it he was more amazed than ever. It grew into a tent! He didn’t have anything like that he just have well…not much really. He had a sleeping back really, some cooking stuff on his other bag and some important stuff like soap and lotion but not a tent like that…how does it fit back in? “[color=00aeef]….whoa uuhh I don’t have a tent but I do have this…”[/color] He pulled out a rolled u sleeping bag form his backpack and set it down on the grass area. Suddenly Puff comes out of his pokeball and stated to eat the cookie he had form the tin by himself. [color=00aeef] “Puff!! You’re going to be chubby like a Snorlax if this keeps up!”[/color] He giggled as he sat back down the log and patted Puff while Remma lowered her wings tired. That cube thing surprised Albert, he wasn't expecting a fully fledge tent to come out of that cube, Albert hadn't packed a tent, or a sleeping bag. he had packed rations a flask of water. some tennis ball's, and a change of clothe's, thats all that would really fit inside his satchel if he wanted space for other things like pokeballs, potions and the like but the ground was relatively soft, so he could just sleep on the floor but he didn't want to sleep. [color=007236]"guys i guess ill go get some stuff around to make a relatively nice sleeping area"[/color] Albert said trying to make a excuse for him leaving, and yet his stomach growled, as did Deino's. [color=007236]"On second thought's ill stay right here, what are we having?"[/color] Albert asked Sam looked dissapointed in his backpack. [color=00a99d]"I don't have much food. I'm used to finding food around me, but I always bring a can of beans with me in case I cant find anything. I'm more of the simple food, if you get what I mean."[/color] He then looked at Ryi. [color=00a99d]"How about you? You seem to have a lot of different food with you."[/color] Ryi got his supply backpack and saw what food he had, mostly sweet stuff really, jam and sugar, honey even but he had enough stuff at least to make something decent. Once more he looked and notice he would make some strew at least. [color=00aeef] “I think I can make some stew for us that is right though tomorrow when we reach town I have to buy new stuff as well…hhhmmm…” [/color]he looked at Remma above and poked her lightly. [color=00aeef] “Hey remma Can you find me some mushrooms? Oh also you Puff since you got a great smelling sense?”[/color] He asked his pokemon to help him make the stew. He pulled out some small stuff like a little stove and some cooking oil, he love cooking and baking soo luckily he was prepared at least. [color=007236]"Sound's like a treat"[/color] Albert said as he saw the cooking equipment be prepared. [color=007236]"Do you need me to go get anything?"[/color] Albert asked bored. [color=007236]"perhaps me and Deino could also help you find some berries?"[/color] Albert said and Deino chimed in "Deino-Dei-Deino" Both of them looked like it was some sort of epic quest the way they were posed. He turned to Albert and clapped his hands together, he was glad to have all the help he would get really. He never cooked outside the kitchen before so this was a whole new experience for him. [color=00aeef] “Thanks! That be great! With what I have I can even try making some dessert….maybe some candid berries? Ya that sounds really good thank again Albert and Deino.”[/color] He patted Deino head gently and went back to the mini stove and started it up. Deino was slightly startled by the foreign touch but shook it off, as he turned around to follow Alberts footsteps [color=007236]"All right Deino lets go find some berrie's"[/color] Albert said with a light hearted cheer as he speed off to explore route 4, and get berrie's and maybe fight and train. Albert's satchel shuddered a ton as he was running. [color=00a99d]"How about us?"[/color] Sam asked. He could maybe get some high growing berries. He was pretty good in climbing, and Froakie was as well. Then he turned to Sam and thought about it for a while. [color=00aeef] “Oh I think maybe some mushroom or berries that is just fine” [/color] He pulled out some ingredients such as salt, some tomatoes, soy sauce, beef jerky…the regular cooking stuff. Remma flew back with a brown mushroom, it looked okay…not poisonous at all by the looks of it. [color=00aeef] “ah thanks Remma!” [/color] Sure it was him alone in route 4, but Albert was steadfast he had his Deino after all , and yet the hunger would kill him, [color=007236]"berries thats all we need Berries"[/color] Albert murmured to himself spotting some in the clearing before him, his eyes lighting up with glee, it was a whole plathora of Pecha berrie's, he ran forwards to grab a handful, unbeknownst to the eyes in the tree. [color=00a99d]"Okay then, mushrooms or berries it is."[/color] Sam responded, before heading out with Froakie and Honedge. He headed up the river, searching for anything on his path that would look edible.