[@Queen Raidne]Since the "alternate" nations literally pop into existence here I repeat my question in the OOC. Can I use a sorts of fantasy nation in this RP? There's no magic, though a few things to consider. - Roughly 30% of the population are elves and they're the ruling class. think of humans that originated from birds...well, sorta. I have most of their biology detailed which I can give you later. - Mithril is the common metal of the empire instead of steel. Mithril is kinda like a better Aluminium and its effectively more like a family of various alloys and compounds. Mithril is light (it's sorta aluminium) but strength-wise the best Mithril alloys are about 20% inferior compared to the best steel alloys in WW2. - Alchemy still exist and it's institutionalized in Yllendthyr. It's basically chemistry and material sciences but combined with strange ritual-like elements of which 90% of them have no purpose. Alchemists were lucky at discovering certain unique methods (like the creation of Mithril, think of how Damascus Steel was made, for example) but they can't be sure which of their countless rituals are necessary steps and which are merely adding up time. Alchemy works more and more only in conjunction with modern sciences but it still make Yllendthyr's industry kinda strange. - Griffins: They may have a similar relation with elves as monkeys do with humans. But if it's an issue I can either make them extinct or drop this idea altogether. Albeit Griffin Riders trying ineptly to engage WW2 fighters would be amusing.