[quote=@Queen Raidne] I've updated the first post with the various claims. By the way, I plan on playing as an American ZRCV (that's a carrier-zeppelin) on ASW escort duty in the Atlantic, based off of the alternate timeline found [url=http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=118973]here[/url]. I [b]may[/b] pick up one of the major powers (e.g. Italy) if nobody else does. [@Willy Vereb]I'm okay with elf-likes. Evolution followed some weird path millions of years ago - okay, that's plausible. Since I've already established precedent with Sakurite, I'm going to say a no on Mithril, unless it's just a fancy/confused name for a real-life alloy. I also find useless ritual aka alchemy hilarious and highly encourage it.* Again, going off of precedent - if alternate plausible evolutionary paths are okay, then I'll also allow griffins. ...if only for the hilarity of a BF-109 engaging Griffin riders. [sup]*Hitler's going to have a field day with it.[/sup] [/quote] Mithril is basically a variation on Titanium, so actually I was a bit wrong. Elves call it Mithralium and it may be a yet undiscovered new grid structure of this element. It isn't really that good in its pure form and alchemist alloy and compound this with various things (likely including various naturally occurring carbon nanotubes, just like the Damascus Steel). So yeah, it's a theoretically existing material which the alchemists developed (partially out of sheer luck). [hider=My Hider] Primary element: Mt-22 (Mithralium) Color: greyish-silver Density: 2410-2540 kg/m^3 Mohs Scale: 3.7-6.8 Young's Modulus: 91-121 GPa Yield Strength: 100-600 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength: 310-1000 MPa A family of metal composites/alloys utilizing Mithral Ore combined with other materials through the ways of alchemy. Its toughness is almost comparable to steel yet its density is only 31% of that. Mithril is very resistant to the effects of corrosion which until the last century gave a strategic advantage for Yllendthyr. Compared to steel, mithril is less stiff and can temporarily deform to external force. Mithril is also more ductile and elastic, among others this makes them excellent choice for springs. As of late the newest high-strength steel alloys took the decisive lead from mithrils, albeit the lightness of the latter can often compensate to an extend.[/hider] Hopefully this makes them passable. As for the elves:[hider=brief summary on the Elves]According to the studies of Charles Dwarfwin from the last century, elves evolved from the prehistoric birds. They share a distant relation with the various Griffin species albeit just barely. The elves' distant ancestor was the Homo Auger aka "bird-man" but there are evidences pointing towards crossbreeding and the exact history of how the elves developed is shrouded in many mysteries. Regardless of the apparently different origins it turned out elves and humans can interbreed with each other, siring a half-elf. Albeit 9 out of 10 such pregnancies generally result in a miscarriage and may even threaten the mother's life. In terms of physical characteristics, elves are generally tall and slenderly built, averaging at 6'4". Their bones are hollow which further reduces their average weight to around 90 lbs. They are fast and nimble compared to humans, further supported by their amazing sense of balance. Some studies attribute the latter to tiny organic gyroscopes but the research on elven physiology is somewhat inconclusive. Elves are also gifted with impressive senses, capable of matching or outperforming most animals. They can smell like a hunting dog, see with an eagle's eye and hearing almost rivaling bats. Elves have a slower metabolism and require less than half as much food compared to humans. Elves can also boast with a great immune system which might be partially responsible for their longevity. Elves can live for 300 years. In many aspects Elves could be seen as the "winners" in evolution. Yet all these advantages come at a cost. Elves are notably fragile when compared to humans. Their bones are designed to withstand strain in certain directions but they are weak and brittle from other angles. Young elves break a lot of bones and gradually learn to move with grace and precision to avoid such accidents. Their low weight also means that elves can generally carry only 40% as much as what a regular human could. Elves are also more sensitive to loud noises and find them uncomfortable. Similarly while the elven immune system is great, their frail body suffers heavily when they're exposed to something this system wasn't designed to handle. Poisons that effect elves are often also very lethal. Elves also have slightly different diet from humans which means they can't consume a few types of food a human could (on the other hand their digestive tracts can metabolize cellulose and they can pretty much eat grass for nutrition). Lastly, while long-lived, elves suffer from criminally low birth rates. They are considerably less fertile than humans and the number of miscarriages is also higher. Modern medicine is aiding the elves considerably but their birth rates are still nowhere near to humans'. Elves also require over twice as much time to grow up and only elves past the age of 30 are considered actual adults (equal to the development of a 13-14 years old human).[/hider]I can eliminate or nerf certain parts if you want. Basically I tried to add most of the typically attributed characteristics of elves and kind of explained them away with their weird evolution and crossbreeding incidents.