[b]Name:[/b] Mackenzie Little [b]Nickname:[/b] Mach (the name is in reference to both his love of going fast and his name being shortened) [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/aa/45/42aa453fcea6f66df86fd17bc08cdfe8.jpg]Mach[/url] [url=http://chris-karath.com/blog/blogpics05/0710/071025toyota-ireal.jpg]Wheelchair[/url] [url=http://img15.deviantart.net/bb33/i/2008/168/9/d/cyber_hero_by_tyshea.jpg]Suit[/url] [b]Keyblade:[/b] [url=http://orig12.deviantart.net/2f37/f/2012/275/6/b/spectral_light_by_user96-d5gkah7.jpg]Cyber Striker[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Skills:[/b] Before the accident, Mach was an accomplished triathlete described by his teammates as "a human blur on the race course". An exaggeration, of course, but he earned his nickname for a reason after all. His lesser known talent was in the field of robotics, his participation in triathlons was primarily to get him into San Fransokyo Institute of Technology via scholarship. Since the accident, however, Mach started putting all of his focus into robotics, even able to outfit his wheelchair with some... unique customizations. Given enough time and resources, Mach can invent just about any handy little gadget for any circumstance. While in his "suit", Mach is able run, leap, and move as if he were an athlete again, only with advanced prosthetic legs designed to increase his legs' physical ability ten fold thanks to a combination of thrusters and shock absorbers. What Mach has absolutely no talent or skill for, however, is magic. In fact he barely even believes in magic, instead boasting that his tech can do anything a spell can do, only better. [b]Personality:[/b] Before the accident, Mach had several friends, either from the triathlons or the laboratories. Ever since getting put on the wheelchair, though, he's been having less and less to do with his former friends, becoming increasingly absorbed into his own personal projects instead. One thing between then and now that hasn't changed is Mach's absolutely snarky attitude. Imagine having a constant commentary of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and that's pretty much Mach's personality in a nutshell. [b]Bio:[/b] Starting out, Mach had promise, both as an athlete and a robotics expert. He was entering triathlons, even managing to score a scholarship for San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. It was practically like living a dream, so of course something had to happen to wake Mach up from it. When he was 16, and got his first car, Mach became involved in a car accident. It was nothing overly dramatic or sinister, just a standard hit and run by a drunk driver. Mach's car, however, was ran off the road, kind of a bad thing since he was driving on an overpass at the time. The simple fact that he even survived at all was a miracle, but his legs on the other hand? Well, they were essentially crushed, along with whatever hope he had of ever participating in the triathlon ever again. After the accident, Mach started focusing all of his energy into robotics, his second passion. He started becoming more and more absorbed with his personal projects and essentially cut himself off from his former friends. One day Mach had an idea. What if robotics could be applied to medical practice? He'd heard the story of Tadashi Hamada inventing a robot capable of giving first aid, but what if more could be done? What if robotics technology could be applied to a prosthetic? He began working, more obsessively than ever, on trying to realize that idea. It was no secret that he wanted his legs back, and after many hours and sleepless nights, Mach invented his first set of legs. Well, considering it was the first physical test, it didn't exactly go perfectly, but Mach refused to give up. After several more weeks, he finally got a robotic prosthetic working, but quickly realized that with robotic tech, the prosthetic could not only give him his legs back, but could make him faster and better than he ever was before. Remembering the news story about the six young heroes who saved the city, Mach decided to take a page from their book and suited up. Obviously he would never be able to publicly use his new prosthetic, since the best way not to be identified as the new hero was to remain in the wheelchair when not doing hero stuff. [hr] [U][B]World Sheet[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] San Fransokyo [B]Summary of History:[/B] It is, for the most part, exactly like the original world. Well, except for being a bit ahead in the technology level. The only big difference is that, in the aftermath of the Earthquake of 1908, Japanese immigrants were integral in the rebuilding of San Francisco. As a result of this, the city took on a plethora of Japanese architectural styles and ended up becoming a center of a vast amount of varying cultures, both Eastern and Western. It also became a center for technology as well, most notably the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and Krei Tech, though the latter has been in decline for a while now since the portal incident. [B]Important Nations:[/B] San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, Krei Tech, Akuma Island [B]Overall Technology Level:[/B] Being a technological center, San Fransokyo's technology level is quite high. [B]Map:[/B] [B]Important Note:[/B] World was accepted not for being Disney, but because it's a counterfactual history that just so happened to develop into the world of Big Hero 6.