[@Mivuli][@Mugin][@Musoka] Annaliza practically melted into Taylor's hug and felt like she'd turned into mush. ' [i]If you stayed to listen, I don't know if you'd be affected by my voice. I know that some species aren't affected by it, but I'd rather not risk you getting hurt.[/i] ' She had loosened her grip on him just a little bit in order to type that message out on her phone and show it to him. If she was going to sing at all to Taylor, she was going to have to be in a state of happiness; because her mother had told her never to sing when she was sad. When she'd asked her mother why she couldn't, her mother explained that if a siren sings when she's happy, there is a chance nothing bad will happen; but if she sang while sad or upset, it was almost certain she'd cause pain to someone. She'd then leapt into a story about how Annaliza's grandmother had sang while she'd been upset and when her soul mate went over to comfort her; he'd ended up slipping into the pool, nearly drown, and lost most of the feeling in his fingers. Shaking thoughts of seeing Taylor looking at her through a veil of water, she turned her attention to Mia. While the promise of dessert sounds yummy, she didn't want to risk the safety of those in the cafe. It would pretty much make her shrink into herself if she cost another person their soul mate because of what she was. Before tears could gather in her eyes, she quickly scribbled onto her sketchpad. ' [i]You and your soul mate are very sweet, and the offer of a free dessert is very kind, but I'll have to decline. I will take a piece of cheesecake though. You can add it to our bill.[/i] ' Offering Mia a kind smile that made her blue eyes seem a little brighter, she was about to ask if Taylor wanted something when Solenne pulled him up onto the stage. Her hands felt cold now that they weren't touching her soul mate, so she distracted herself by borrowing Solenne's acoustic guitar and testing out the strings. She'd dabbled in the guitar and piano for a few years, but her true passion was the violin. She'd played one since she was 5 years old and owned 3 of the beautiful instruments. Two of them were regular, while the third was an electric one her father had gotten her as a surprise gift. He said that he wanted her to ' come into the age of electric instruments '. To be honest, she'd originally not wanted the electric violin; but she grew to love it over time, because it created a unique sound and she'd tested out different ways to play it. Turning her gaze to Solenne and Taylor, she offered silent encouragement to her soul mate in the form of a smile before following the movement of Solenne's hands. She mirrored the movement of his fingers with her own and it only took a riff or two before their movements matched up.