Madelyn followed behind Nick Fury as she was one of the few who were being left behind, she was planning to remain silent as she had planned to. However, she realized something about the hawaiian that she found... interesting. If her ears were correct, he was wearing glasses as she could hear the slight jiggle of the frame as he walked--however these couldn't have been prescriptions lenses. He would not need any glasses in the first place, from what she had heard about Kaleolani, his vision is heightened to that of a God. [i][color=ed1c24]So why would he need glasses?[/color][/i] She silently asked herself, but then her hypothesis came as fast as the question. Perhaps he could not--or found it difficult--to control his newfound vision abilites, such as the ability to being able to peek through walls and create heat beams from his pupils. [color=ed1c24][i]Perhaps, I could teach Kaleolani how to filter his senses naturally. But I should observe him in the training room beforehand, perhaps he has a way to control it I have yet to understand.[/i][/color] Daredevil thought, preparing to take notes in her head of what Kaleolani was capable of. She was very interested in what she could learn about him and the others being led to the training room.