The train stopped neatly and on time, which gained the approval of the Monk, as he enjoyed being on time wherever he went. The young bellboy was there to witness such a good mood as he found a $20 bill sitting in his hand as a tip. He was stunned for a moment and before he could shout out a thank-you, the monk had already lightly jumped off the train, and the two burly Triads were there to silently take the bag from his hands and step off the train themselves. The Deputy Mountain Master was quicker than they were and had already moved to where his ride was to arrive. He wished to meet this Don quickly. Word of their arrival had been sent, their meeting place agreed to have been the Don's own mansion on the outskirts of the city. As he waited, his eyes flickered to the left and to the right, seeing four men eyeing his expensive coat and shoes. He smiled softly. Four men, all looked to have been veterans of the World War that had happened not too long ago. If they were thinking to take what he had by force, they would have another think coming. While he did have his two bodyguards who were well trained in most fighting arts... he really didn't need bodyguards. "Hey man," One said, moving in close, causing the Monk to wince as the stench of alcohol offended his senses," I have a wife and two kids, with no job to feed them. Spare a couple bucks?" Yuanjia turned to the man with a cold smile, his refined accent chilling his words further," Forgive me 'man', but I have no intention of sponsoring your morphine addiction. Please, move away. You stink." The man took a step back, scowling, slipping his hand into his pocket where a knife was obviously hidden. The monk showed no reaction. "There's no need to be offensive, Chink," The man growled, and his friends moved in closer," But now that you have, please give us your wallet, watch, shoes and coat and I'll fucking move away." Yuanjia's face froze in icy anger as he heard the derogatory term for his brothers," I warn you, my friend, if your hand, or that of any of your friends comes out with any sort of weapon, you will die here, now. This is your one warning, as I am not a man of second chances." "Fuck you," The man spat, drawing a bayonet blade and advanced, thrusting it to the Monk's gut. He missed, impossibly, and the man was met with a blinding pain to his nose, and a second blow to the side of his head. He fell to the ground, stunned, his nose broken and ears ringing from the blows from the heads of the Chink's staff. He watched from the ground as another man dropped, clutching at his neck where a spear punch had crushed his throat, killing him in minutes. The other two were felled just as quickly, one with a thin puncture wound to the heard, the other with a similar stab to his neck, severing the spinal cord. "Please," He whimpered, his words slurred as his body was still stunned from the attack," Don't kill me." "I won't kill you," The monk said softly, wiping his blade clean on the man's shirt, and then turning to the bodyguards who approached," They will," Standing and sheathing his blades, he barked an order in Cantonese to the men, one of which moved in beside the Monk with his luggage, the other pulled a pistol from inside his coat and shot the man twice in the head. Their cars arrived. The bodyguard with his luggage would be taking it to their hotel, while the one that was replacing the bullets expended from his revolver would accompany him to the Don's mansion, where word of their arrival had already reached the Patriarch's ears and he would be preparing for their meeting. When the two men stepped into the car, Yuanjia pulled the dart from his sleeve and handed it to the bodyguard, who was confused. "The Don does not allow stranger to enter his home with weapons being carried," Yuanjia said in the way of an explanation. "You would work with a man that insults you in such a fashion?" "While we are in his house we will abide by the Gaijin's rules. It matters little that if we were planning on killing him we would not step in through the front door, and certainly would have little need for weapons. Take it as a lack of respect that his family has, the lack of skill of his guards, and of course, the lack of honor of the members who require outsiders to enter weaponless in a need to feel superior. It is how I see it, anyways," The Monk smiled thinly. The guard chuckled," Of course. Would you like me to bear your staff as well?" "I don't want them to think that I came completely unarmed. That would either show a trust in them that I do not have, or suggest trickery to their overly suspicious minds. I would like neither in our future trading partners."