As the party make their way forwards into the darkness, their chants and prayers echoing throughout corridor, more Lumen Globes in the form of more cherubs flicker to life before them, while those behind them extinguish. There is but one path, the corridor is featureless bar the cherubs, and smells faintly of chemical disinfectant. As Holand, being a good few meters ahead of the rest of the party, but still visible via the Lumen lights next to him, leaves behind a trail of lights extinguishing only to be lit up again by the groups passing and rings of smoke from his Lho stick in his wake, his shouts simply echoing around the corridor with no reply. Meanwhile, with tensions beginning to rise within the group and lines being drawn while silent alliances of faith form. How deep these fissures would grow between certain members of the party. Between those that would have to rely on one another to hold the line with them, to fight by their side. Only time could tell. But one fact was certain, they would be tested in the crucible of war. The party, cautious and with weapons ready, proceed further down the corridor, the lumen cherubs guiding their way. After a few minutes, the corridor ends with an armoured metal door, which unseals and unlocks with a hiss of pressurised air and opens with a loud grinding of heavy gears before the Acolytes. The room beyond is bathed in a clear and crisp white light, a jumble of dusty metal crates (branded with unintelligible symbols) are stacked against one wall, while a hospital gurney complete with restraint straps has been left toppled over on one side against the other. The room’s most striking feature is a wide mirror which fills the upper half of the opposite wall from the entrance. The mirror slowly clears to a transparency to reveal a glittering steel chamber beyond. Inside the chamber, looking out is a tall, thin-faced figure wearing white medicae robes with (rather incongruously) a red leather coat draped over his shoulders. Behind him, covered by a mottled grey sheet, is what looks like a body on some sort of frame raised upright. While above them in the air, a pair of white enamelled skulls, encrusted with a variety of brass instruments and long hypo needles, hover expectantly.