[hider=ϟ][center][img]https://pp.vk.me/c619722/v619722718/a05e/2M6IfWOxqo8.jpg[/img][/center][center] [b]NAME[/b] Tarit Ritter[/center] [center][b]ABSTRACT[/b] A flamboyant rascal with a fondness for electricity.[/center] [center][b]DETAIL[/b] -Capable of controlling electricity -Empowered by electricity and immune from harm caused by it -Can transform his body into electricity Tarit is first and foremost a performer. He lives to entertain an audience, whether the onlooker is one of the spectators gathered around the ring or himself doesn't really matter to him; he is content as long as one person is amused. He is carefree and laid-back with the only things he seems to puts much effort into being shocking people. While the performer is cool-headed majority of the time if anyone ever threatens anything he cares about his unconcerned demeanor will vanish, his intentions only becoming clearer as he straps you into old sparky. [b]HOW DO YOU KNOW LARKUS?[/b] Tarit spoke briefly with Larkus while returning one of his captivating feathered friends. After helping him with his performance, Larkus has earned at least a few friend points. [b]HOW DO YOU KNOW HYPATE?[/b] Hypate is an old flame that was more attracted to a mirror than Tarit. In spite of her vanity, there may still be something there.[/center] [/hider]