"Well, I was trying to escape my world, actually. It was on the verge of being consumed by...something, a virus, I think. I found the portal out but these weird dark things got in the way. I took out my disk to fight back and it turned into a keyblade! That's how I got mine." She smiled as she listened to the others talk about their experiences. So much to learn in this new world! Not to mention the cute little fuzzy thing in front of her too! What were they called? And how did they get so [b]adorable[/b]? Suddenly - "Fireworks!" Tera squeaked a little at the magnificent spectacle above their head, giggling as the flashing lights and wild cracks and booms echoed throughout the square. It was quite a sight, alright, but then the gruff voice tore her out of her reverie. "We were, um, talking about our keyblades, sir! Do you know where these come from?"