[center][u][b]Catwoman - DC Universe: Gods Among Us - GreenGrenade[/b][/u][/center] [center][hider=CATWOMAN][center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/66232/1800049-catwoman_83_detail_by_adamhughes.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Selina Kyle [u][b]Alias[/b][/u] Catwoman [u][b]Origin[/b][/u] Selina Kyle's childhood was defined by tragedy as her brutalized mother, Maria committed suicide and her violent father, Brian drank himself to death soon after the loss. After her parent's death, she was separated from her younger sister, Maggie Kyle. She went to live a couple foster homes, while Selina remanded to the Sprang Hall Juvenile Detention Center, an abusive state home for orphaned or delinquent girls. She remained there until the age of ten, when she escaped the center by climbing out of a broken window. After leaving the center, she went a carnival outside of Gotham and tried to pickpocket the crowds there; however, she was caught by the owner. He offered her to join the carnival or go to a juvenile detention center. She agreed as soon she heard the word 'juvenile' and soon learned the art of contortionism, gymnastics, magic and trickery. Using her new learned skills, Selina also improved her pickpocketing skills by stealing for the crowds once more. When the owner dies in a tragic accident, Selina was offered to become the new owner of the carnival; but, she turned it down and goes back to the streets of Gotham. And at the age of seventeen, she became a prostitute and was working for Stan, one of the many pimps in Gotham. During her first year as a prostitute, she saw a girl being sexually abused by a cop and decides to end the abuse by punching the cop. They ran away from the scene together and they went to Selina's apartment. That was when she learns that the girl's name was Holly Robinson and that she was only thirteen years old. That was when that Selina decided to take care of her and convinced Stan to let Holly stay. While laying in a bed at the hospital (after being attacked), Selina is visited by a man named George Flannery, claiming to be from Gotham Vice. He demands to know who beat her up, but she won't answer any of his questions. He tells her to call him if she does decide to press charges against the man who beat and raped her. He offers her a card, but it's not his card. He explains that she should use the number on the card to talk to a man who can help her take care of herself - it may save her life one day. She refuses to take it at first, but changes her mind so he could leave her be. After being discharged from the hospital, Selina returns to her apartment, asking Holly whether Stan is around the apartments. Holly tells her that it was Stan who beat her and she warns that if she goes back to her room, he will be waiting for her. Even so, Selina avoids her warning and goes up to her room. Stan is complaisant, apologizing for mistreating her. She ignores him and asks where her cats are as she looked around for them. He told her that he moved them to an empty apartment, because they make him uncomfortable. Despite that discomfort, he presents Selina with a cat-themed dominatrix bodysuit. She is disgusted by the bodysuit, but eventually Stan talks her into doing one last job for him in the catsuit, promising it will be the last time. Even known he was lying to her. After Stan talks to her, she calls the number on the card and winds up, doing self-defence training with former boxing champ Ted Grant. Selina asks how many other girls Flannery has sent Ted, and he responds that he doesn't know any cops named Flannery. He says that for $100/hour, he'll teach her everything he knows. Naturally, she can't afford it, and he suggests that she may qualify for a discount, if she's serious. She sets up an appointment with Ted, and she asks him to teach her how to use a bullwhip in a fight. Ted wonders who it is that Selina is really lashing out at, because he doesn't think it's her pimp. Even so, he trains her in the use of the whip. During the training, she begins to break down and give up. Ted keeps pushing her and pushing her, making her angry until she lashes out and really hurts him. This is what he wanted; to get Selina to put her emotion into her fighting. The training lasts for a couple more months until Ted thought that she knew how to fight against the street thugs of Gotham. During the usual nighttime, Holly and Selina were awaken with gunshots at Robinson Park. Turning on the TV, they see a news report indicating that the Batman has surrounded some thugs that were a part of the mafia. Holly is filled with excitement at the thought of glimpsing the Batman, and Selina agrees to accompany her friend to the police line, to see events unfold. The Batman fought off the thugs with his abilities as screaming and gunfire took place. Then, he disappeared into the nighttime sky with the thugs all tied up. Holly was excited that she saw the Batman and Selina realizes that he is a formidable man, and that he uses the idea of bats to his advantage. After seeing Batman in action, Selina grabbed the bodysuit that Stan gave to her and finally decided to make her move. That was when Catwoman was born. She called him and lied that one of her clients became violent and ended up being stabbed with his own knife. Stan tells her to stay calm and meet him at a certain location. As he waits for her, Selina creeps over the rooftops in her new costume and pounces on him. When he realizes that it was Selina and what her intentions are, he tries to be threatening, but she scratches his face and throws him to the ground. She removes her mask, pressing her stiletto heel against Stan's throat and warns him not to kick the cat. After the event, she began her luck at stealing things as she did when she was in her teenage years. Cat-burglary. While she was stealing away from Gotham, Stan decides the time has come to put a bullet in Selina Kyle's head and the only way to get her attention was to kidnap someone close to her: Holly. While Selina was gone during the night, Stan called Holly to make him a job and gave the location of it and she accepted the job. She got there and she was kidnapped by Stan as he knocked her out and took him to an unknown location. Selina began to look all over Gotham from Holly after she disappeared. She knew that Stan had something to do with it, but she didn't know where he was or have proof that he did it. Then, she breaks into a fancy apartment and finds a former prostitute bathing in a large tub. Not any prostitute, but Stan's prostitute was at the apartment. Selina turned the lights off and then appeared in the dark brandishing her sharpened claws. The girl quickly breaks, and Selina demands to know where Stan is. The girl fearfully responds that Stan may be in a supply depot for the F-Train, or he may be at Bruzinsky's Theatre, an old strip joint. Stealing the girl's jewels, Catwoman warns the girl to tell no one she was there, and then blows out the candle, leaving the girl in total darkness. Bruzinsky's Theatre was the first stop and it was the right stop as Stan was there with Holly. Stan grows agitated with Holly and drags her out into the rafters and scaffolding above the stage at the theatre. He is surprised to find Catwoman is waiting above him, promising to kill him. Stan throws Holly to the ground as Catwoman drops on him. Selina is so consumed by her desire to destroy Stan that she fails to notice Holly holding on to the edge of the walkway for dear life. Stan pulls a knife, but Selina manages to yank it from his grip with her whip and scratch his face. While he falls to the ground in pain, Selina reaches for Holly's hand, but Stan gets up and pushes her aside, stepping on Holly's fingers and causing her to let go. Selina desperately tries to catch her close friend, and in her hurry she knocks Stan over the side as well, and both Stan and Holly exceed her grasp. Selina looks down to see Stan below, and from behind her, she hears Batman tell her that he's dead. She assumes that Holly died as well, but fortunately, Batman had caught her. Selina readily admits that she let Stan fall to his death and leaves in disgust at the thought that Batman would have saved scum like Stan, even after what he did. While overlooking the skylights of Gotham, Selina was thinking of the responsibilities of Catwoman; of herself. She feels that the suit makes her stop caring about consequences; like Selina Kyle is dead. She returned to the street grounds and goes to Stan's apartment as it might have clues to who else had helped in the kidnapping of Holly. It was Jefferson Skeevers, Stan's friend and a friend of some mob boss. [b][NEED APPROVE FOR GM AND BATMAN CHARACTER TO BE OFFICIAL][/b] When Catwoman goes to confront Jefferson, Batman appears out of the darkness to stop Catwoman. He knows that Jefferson was also behind the kidnapping of Holly and tells her that he deserves a jury of his peers. Catwoman doubts this, but Batman offer that Lt. Gordon will help and listen with an unbiased ear. But, she still doubts him as it's 'corrupted with men of money'. Then, Batman attempts to convince Catwoman to give up her costumed thievery, but the thrill is too great for her to give it up, and she feels a strong attraction for him. Batman responds that they will be at odds, because they are on opposite sides of the law. Frustratingly, she steals a kiss from him, and then claws his face. She claims the first round for herself, and then runs off. That was when that Catwoman fell in love with the mysterious vigilante of the night and it wouldn't be the last that they meet face to face. After the events with Batman, Catwoman and Holly soon moved out of the apartment and moved into a wealthy apartment with the money that she got from stealing. Selina got a new catsuit that had more protection against bullets and fists with the same money. Years after the event, she was able to let Holly live a safe life in Gotham without the fear of losing her. At the same time, she met Gwen Altamont and they became friends after one of their friends dies. Gwen wanted to help Gotham's prostitute start a new life away from the sex and the drugs; but, she didn't want to be able to put on a mask to do so. So, she looked into buying a nightclub within Gotham called, "The Tin Roof Club". Selina wanted to help her and use the nightclub at the same time. She stole enough money until she was able to buy it and gave her the money as Catwoman. When Gwen got the money, she knew that Selina was behind the mask based on the perfect amount of money needed to buy the club. Catwoman told Gwen that she was going to allow the nightclub to be used as her hideout if she gave her the money. She accepts the offer and welcomes Catwoman to the nightclub. Now, she had a new hideout to use as Catwoman and an apartment from Selina. But, she wasn't done stealing away for the wealthy. She never was the one to retire from a job until she was forced to or died. And besides, her job was about to get interesting. [u][b]Attributes[/b][/u] [b][i]Abilities[/i][/b] Acrobatics - Selina is a gifted and accomplished athlete, with heightened acrobatic prowess. Her feats have been so amazing, one could argue that her athletic ability is somewhat superhuman. Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced) - She was trained by the Armless Master in martial arts and by Wildcat in boxing and street-fighting. She is a dangerous, clever and resourceful fighter, known for precise, agile attacks and speedy getaways. Her formidable hand-to-hand combat skills are augmented by her cat-like speed, reflexes, balance, and flexibility. Stealth - Selina is as stealthy as any large cat. She has easily been able to sneak up on large groups of people and even other vigilantes on patrol. She shows marked prowess in this ability while she's on the prowl for her next job. Thievery - Selina is a master thief, known throughout Gotham City for her burglary of cat-themed objects and/or gems and jewels of the highest quality. Hardly one to knock over a bank, Catwoman would rather break into the chairman's office and take his personal documents. Disguise - To pull off her many capers, Catwoman resorts to disguises and aliases. She once posed as an old lady in order to steal a valuable piece of jewelry while on a cruise ship. Later, she posed as a night club goer in order to get acquainted with it's owners and return later to rob them. Feline Empathy - Catwoman has a good affinity for cats. Feline species tend to flock to her, accepting her almost immediately, recognizing somehow that she is not an enemy but a friend. This allows her to calm injured cats, train them, befriend them, and form strong bonds with them. These animals will even sometimes come to her defense when she is attacked. This has proved most beneficial, especially when it has involved big cats. [b][i]Equipment[/i][/b] Catwoman Costume - The skintight costume features retractable razor-sharp claws in her gloves and spring-action climbing pitons in her boots. Catwoman's costume is designed to give her maximum flexibility and movement while providing her some anonymity, and stealth. Her mask covers her features, keeping her from instant recognition in her civilian identity. The material is a thick insulating cloth, protecting her from cold and wet, while being fire retardant. Claws - Catwoman's gloves and boots contain special retractable claws which are formed of a strong steel which extend from and retract into her gloved fingertips and boots when she triggers pressure switches. They can shred a bullet-proof vest, punch through an aluminum frame car door, or dig into porous surfaces to climb. Whip - Catwoman is highly proficient in the use of the bullwhip. She employs a 12 foot long, black leather braided bullwhip which is normally carried on her person either in her boot or in a small backpack. [b][i]Transportation[/i][/b] Motorcycle - Catwoman occasionally uses a motorcycle for long-distance transportation, but generally prefers rooftop prowling for short distances. [u][b]Stomping Grounds[/b][/u] [b][i]Gotham City[/i][/b] East End - A hotbed of prostitutes and pimps, Selina was born in this area to her mother and father. This part of Gotham was her home, where she met many friends and enemies. She protects the area with her life. The Tin Roof Club - An nightclub owned by her friend, Gwen Altamont. It's used as a hideout for Catwoman and other prostitutes who wish to escape that life like she did. It's also located in the edge of East End. [u][b]People of Note[/b][/u] [b][i]Allies[/i][/b] Batman - Ally, enemy, and lover of Catwoman. Wildcat - Mentor to Selina, helped her trained to becoming the Catwoman. Holly Robinson - Close friend of Selina, knows that she's Catwoman and worries about her. Karon - Holly's girlfriend, another close friend of Selina. Doesn't know that she's Catwoman. Gwen Altamont - Friend of both Selina and Catwoman. Allows her to use the nightclub as a hideout. [i][b]Rogues[/b][/i] Poison Ivy - Occasional friend and foe of Catwoman. They haven't talked since they ended their group, "Gotham City Sierns". Black Mask - Mafia boss. He wants Catwoman dead, because she gave him a scar on his mask. The Penguin - Stole for him when she started to steal for the fist time. Enemies since that day. Bone - Killed Catwoman's friend, because she stole for him. [u][b]Character Goals[/b][/u] I want to make her think about what side she's on. Question her actions and protect those that she loves and cares from. And I also want to expand and explore the relationship with Batman to the point, where she's either accepted into his family or end the relationship between them. [hider=Sample Post] [center][img]http://logonoid.com/images/catwoman-logo.png[/img][/center][center][b][h3]Getting Answers[/h3][/b][/center] It has been a couple days since her close friend, Holly, disappeared from the streets. Stan, their pimp, also disappeared around the time that she went missing. The police don't care about prostitutes unless they want sex with them to 'release stress'. Selina grew tired of waiting for the police to do their job and put on her catsuit again. She just got word that one of Stan's prostitutes was somewhere in Gotham and she didn't have a clue where she was. Selina got finished putting on the suit as he grabbed her mask and grinned as she began to say to herself, "It's time from me to get answers.". She put on the mask and opened the window as she exited out of her apartment. A hour of running and jumping around Gotham bought her to the Diamond District, where some of Gotham's wealthy live and it's home to the popular jewelry stores. Catwoman looked around for the apartment, where the girl was at; however, she soon stopped to see an opened window. She tried not to focus on it, but it was too late as she ran towards it. With her claws, she attracted onto the brick wall and started to climb upward as she tried to not let go. The claws' feature was a bit odd for her to use, but she started to get used to them. As she got to the window, she pulls one hand away from the wall to grab the ledge of the window. Pulling herself up into the apartment, she found gold as there was something that could sell very well in pawn shops. Jewelry, cash, rings, and the many other wonders that the wealthy leave out of their safes. Catwoman was a well-known cat burglar after all. Plus, she needs them to survive out on the streets of Gotham—especially East End. Thankfully, her little backpack was with her as she removed it from her back and begun her spree of stealing. [i]One necklace in the bag, one golden ring in the bag, two hundred dollars in the bag.[/i] She still was pulling things in her bag until she heard splashing in the bathroom nearby. Catwoman immediately stopped what she was doing, [i]Of course I forgot to check[/i]. She silently walked towards the hallway and near the bathroom door as she heard someone humming. Taking a peak at what's going on, she found a woman in the bathroom in the bath as she was washing herself to some quiet music. Then she realized that she knew the girl, Grace Davis. Stan's favorite prostitute and she usually hangs out with him. [i]There's the bitch. How about I make my introduction.[/i] She walked away from the hallway and saw the light switch as she turned it off. It got dark all of the sudden as the woman in the bath questioned the blackout. "Hello, who is there?" she said with a tone of panic. Selina walked towards the doorway of the bathroom and lean on the doorway. "Thomas, is that you?" Grace questioned the mysterious figure in the doorway. Selina grinned at the sight of Grace's fear as she was enjoying this moment. The claws popped out and she begun to brandish her sharpened claws. Grace jumped at the sight of the claws and shouted loudly towards the figure as it got closer, "GET AWAY FOR ME. PLEASE DON'T HARM ME.". The figure got close to her and the candle near the sink, which reveal the figure to be Catwoman. Catwoman kneed and her claws got closer to her hair as she said to the girl with a soft tone, [i]"I wouldn't harm you unless you don't give me answers."[/i]. Confused at Catwoman's request, Grace said to her, "What answers?". Her hands felt the soft, cool face as she smiled and said, [i]"I know you work for Stan and that you guys are close to say."[/i]. Grace backed away as she felt the leather of the glove and Catwoman pulled her hand away and said, [i]"Alright, it's simple. Do you know where Stan currently lives?"[/i]. Grace looked at Catwoman and said, "Stan? I don't know where he is.". Her eyes were all over the place, trying to hide her lying ass. But, Catwoman grew tired of games like she always did and got her claws out. With one figure, she cut a piece of Grace's blond hair and caught it in the hair. Grace screamed at the sight of her claws and painfully said 'ouch' as her hair was cut. "Tell me or I cut the rest of your beautiful hair." Catwoman said with a demanding tone as she waved the cut hair around and then let it drop the rug. On the edge of tears, Grace shouted to Catwoman as she was losing her voice, "Alright! Alright! Just don't cut it all.". She breathed and sighed as she said, "Early today, I called him and he told me that he was hiding at either at a supply depot in the train yard or at Bruzinsky's Theatre. I swear.". [i]"Thank you."[/i] Catwoman said as she eyed the necklace on the girl and decided to take it off of her with her claw. Grace closed her eyes at the sight of her claws and realized that her necklace was gone. Putting her hands around her neck, Grace yelled for the necklace back. Catwoman just looked at her and said, [i]"Listen, I don't want you to tell anyone that I was here or else."[/i]. The candle was out as she finished her sentence and disappeared into the night. Grace immediately started to cry and humming the same tone as earlier. [/hider] [/hider][/center]