[center]Ͼ C O U N T E N A N C E Ͽ [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/a6/e0/98/a6e098e477a6b17f5dc0ae5d391c0ba8.jpg[/img] [img]https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t1.0-9/558950_10151210870177615_641094002_n.jpg?oh=1a09af3a962b745b88f265206d3e716f&oe=56477B0F[/img] Liara has long black hair with a streak of white towards the front of her crown. She'll usually keep it tied up in a braid while in combat. A few stubborn strands dangle in front of her crystal green eyes, despite her constant efforts of brushing them behind her ear. Standing at only 5'2", she is a full figured lady, though her curves fit her well. Ͼ T I T L E Ͽ Liara Rose Mitchell Ͼ Y E A R S Ͽ 24 Ͼ C H R O M O S O M E S Ͽ [color=pink]XX[/color] Ͼ E S T U A R Y Ͽ [color=darkred]Mercenary[/color] Ͼ V E I N Ͽ [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lrpc/images/7/78/Dire_Bear.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20100331040547[/img] Arlan the Dire Bear Ͼ P E R S O N A L I T Y Ͽ Generally, Liara is quiet and soft spoken, loyal to a fault, and can normally be seen with a smile on her face. She likes to eat, loves to read and is normally seen hanging around with Arlan. The poor bear can often be caught cleaning food crumbs out of his fluff, even sometimes, his ears, but he loves the girl completely and is quite protective over her. Ͼ B I O Ͽ As far back as Liara could remember, she had a happy childhood. Her parents were the embodiment of love and duty, and her uncle was the only fun one around. Her mother came from a family of practitioners and her father fought on the front lines. They were never supposed to be together, but as it turned out, not even death could keep them apart. When she was six, her father had reportedly died in battle, though his body was never found. One by one, her family members started to disappear. Next to go was her mother. It was the same story all over again. Her mother was called into the camps to take care of the wounded. Liara was ten, she never saw her mother again. She lived with her uncle for the next six years, locked away in a cabin in the woods far away from the wars... they thought. Gavin wasn't the best parental figure, but he tried his best in their absence. Liara was always a gentle girl, but you could tell the unexplained loss of her parents had weighed on her tremendously. Slowly but surely, her anger and hurt started to grow. As she entered puberty, she became a little more difficult for her uncle to handle. She would disappear for days in the woods, occasionally throw fits, her rage directed towards her uncle. One day, she was out collecting things for dinner that evening when she was attacked by a cimmerian. Death would've been her fate if not for the dire bear that came to her rescue. She had known the animals in the woods to be of a friendly and protective type, but never in a million years would she have expected this. She'd never seen anything so big before. She ran home to get Gavin, but he wasn't there. She was 16, and all alone. For the next two years, she wandered the streets of the city. Keeping to herself yet trying to stay close to some sense of security. Soon enough, the time of her reckoning was upon her. There was really only one path for her, whether the waters deemed it so or not. The path of the Mercenary. She was such a scrawny girl when she began her training, but through her years, she became quite a formidable warrior. She would follow in her father's footsteps, with a lingering hope of one day finding her family. [/center]