[quote=@Zetsuko] [@Guess Who] H-how's it look [hider=Species: Illyrian] [u][b]Illyrian[/b][/u] - The Illyrians are a bipedal reptilian race sometimes referred to as "lizard-men". they tend to grow to be 7-9 feet tall, they have long prehensile tails and scaled skin reminiscent of Terran lizards, hence the nickname, as well as clawed feet and hands and reptilian snouts. They tend to live 225-250 year lifespans, are very agile, and, Despite their reptilian nature, their offspring are born live. The Illyrians are exceptional engineers though, While they possessed advanced technology, it was not until after they were discovered by humans that they gained FTL capabilities. Roughly 4 decades ago Humans attempted to conquer the Illyrian homeworld, assuming them to be a tribal and weak species, the Humans were surprised by the level of technology and military power the Illyrians possessed and The Illyrian-Human first contact war ended with an Illyrian victory and the humans were pushed off the planet. After reverse engineering and improving upon captured Human FTL drives they were able to expand and establish a system-wide Empire. [b][u]The Illyrian Empire:[/u][/b] Ruled by [url=http://img13.deviantart.net/d161/i/2012/319/0/4/the_lizard_man_by_gutsberserk-d2ynlt8.jpg]Archon Draksys Kade[/url], The Empire controls the Toutasis system and rules from the capitol-planet of Altaaya. The Empire has placed their fleets on standby in the face of the civil war in the nearby Xenovia system, there has even been some debate among the hierarchy as to whether they should intervene. [url=http://www.destinypedia.com/images/thumb/8/86/Destiny-CabalPsionFlayer.jpg/300px-Destiny-CabalPsionFlayer.jpg]Legionnaires[/url], [url=http://orig13.deviantart.net/434d/f/2013/179/5/a/iron_legion_mech_group_by_quesocito-d6b1zlv.jpg]vehicles[/url], [url=http://pre04.deviantart.net/947e/th/pre/f/2013/163/7/d/dark_angel_gunship_by_adamburn-d68senc.jpg]Dropships[/url], [url=http://img00.deviantart.net/9260/i/2013/197/5/f/sonobeno_bomber_by_sonobeno-d6dsr9h.jpg]Cruisers[/url], [url=http://www.bulgarov.com/images_personal/RSV_Concept.jpg]Fighters[/url], Fleet Capitol-ship Dreadnought "[url=http://orig09.deviantart.net/a922/f/2012/057/5/5/novus_aeterno___verunas_fortress_class_final_by_phoenix_06-d4r0rml.jpg]Doom Mythical[/url]" [/hider] [/quote] Looks good, I'll move it to the races and factions section as soon as I get to my computer.