Rose prepared her thing as the class ended. The Automated door opened finally to open her freedom, but she still sat there. She continued to gather her things. She made sure that everything was proper and in its place. Finally getting up to leave, Rose first looks out of the room into the larger area behind. She sticks her head out and looks in both directions. Seeing not a soul, She steps out into the hall. Cautiously she makes her way through the Vault. She tries to hid her nervousness by trying to appear confidence. Rose found her way to the living areas without having to interact with anyone, not even a robot. She looked the around until she found the door marked "08". It was unoccupied. Lucky her. Rose never liked the idea of luck, but to get her favorite number was good. The robots called her 80 but she liked to drop the zero. 8 was a number of power. She liked 8 better than 80 but 80 was her name. Anyways, Rose enters the room number 08. She begins instantly to arrange the room for efficiency and ease of access. She would have spent more time in the organizing of her new room, but her belly growled. Rose sighed, realizing she was hungry. She got ready and headed up to the third floor. Rose entered the dinning area. Immediately, a robot addressed her in its automated manner, "Good afternoon, I am chef. Bzzzt. Can I get you something to eat or drink?" Rose answered she would like something to eat, then moved to take a seat. She noticed the other girl in the room but made no effort to start any conversation.