[Hider=Barnabas] [b]Name:[/b] Barnabas Grimsby [b]Nickname/Title:[/b] Noctuam [b]Team Title:[/b] The Inquisitors [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Position:[/b] Asylum [b]Specialty:[/b] Sniffer [b]Alchemic Style:[/b] Vocem, Sigillum [b]Asylum Code:[/b] LXXVII (77) in a circle over his heart. [b]Weapons:[/b] Barnabas arms himself with an unassuming fountain pen filled with more ink than normal; this ink is also a special mixture Barnabas made with anti-alchemy poison mixed in. He makes sure to always have an alchemical sigil engraved on it somewhere so that he can use it at a moment’s notice to pull the ink from the pen and form a long, thin blade resembling a rapier or even fire ink projectiles from the pen. Barnabas’s handgun is a semi-automatic gun with a mechanism that Barnabas can activate to make a silencer emerge from the handgun itself and close around the barrel to silence the gunshots. The bullets fired from the gun are also laced in anti-alchemy poison. His last weapon is a taser no bigger than a belt buckle, but it has the ability to shoot up to ten feet away. It also has a knob that can adjust the amount of volts it can deliver to a target. The wires also end in barbs that are designed to puncture someone’s skin and have to be surgically removed; because of this, Barnabas also has a mechanism in his taser so that he can simply release the wires from the body of the taser. The barbs are also laced in anti-alchemy poison, just in case. [b]Alchemy specialization:[/b] Ink Manipulation [url=http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff9/nacron/7a011e66-b711-46ac-8760-c677748c5935_zps013ef00a.png]Appearance:[/url] Barnabas is a tall and lanky man of 5’11” with untidy jet black hair that reaches halfway down his ears. He has pale skin and angular features with long arms, ending in wide hands with long, nimble fingers. Beaneath his square-rimmed glasses, his eyes are a dark indigo color. He keeps himself clean shaven. He is usually seen wearing dark pants with a grey dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a tie with a dark brown vest over top of it and black dress shoes. At times he will don a long black coat as well. [b]Personality:[/b] Barnabas is the quiet type, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself, but once he does get started it is difficult to break through his seemingly endless rambling. He doesn’t do well with talking to others he doesn’t already know, but there are some exceptions, however few they are. [b]History:[/b] Will reveal later on. [/hider] [Hider=Alice] [b]Name:[/b] Alice Grimsby [b]Nickname/Title:[/b] Corvos [b]Team Title:[/b] The Inquisitors [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Position:[/b] Asylum [b]Specialty:[/b] Hunter [b]Alchemic Style:[/b] Vocem, Motem [b]Asylum Code:[/b] LXXVI (76) down the back of her neck. [b]Weapons:[/b] Alice carries a thick pocket journal on her person at all times. She uses her alchemy to manipulate the pages into various projectiles and even melee weapons and back into pages again. She uses Barnabas's special ink to write in the journal as well. She also carries small gas pellets and ink pellets on her disguised as many beaded bracelets she wears on her arms that release all sorts of poison gasses and just plain smoke; the most abundant poison gas she has is anti-alchemy poison gas when broken open. Alice wears a pair of leather fingerless gloves with a heavy metal powder in the knuckles to give her punches more force than if she used brass knuckles. [b]Alchemy specialization:[/b] Paper Manipulation [url=http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff9/nacron/img-thing_zpsb05bb4e0.jpg]Appearance:[/url] Alice isn’t nearly as tall as her brother; in fact, she is on the shorter side for a female, only reaching up to 5’4” with a curvy frame. She has long jet black hair that reaches down to the small of her back. She is even paler than her brother, and her eyes are a few shades brighter than her brother’s. Alice is usually seen wearing a black and grey striped sweater, jean shorts with black leggings underneath, and black boots. She also wears many beaded bracelets, black leather fingerless gloves, and two leather bracelets under her beaded ones. [b]Personality:[/b] Alice is almost the exact opposite of her brother. She has always been described as social butterfly. and can talk to just about anyone, stranger or not; and, she most certainly does not keep her thoughts to herself. But, her social skills are what make her a good Hunter. [b]History:[/b] Will reveal later on. [/hider]