Silus looked around his men were battered but alive as far as he could tell. "[color=00aeef]Alright everyone lets pack it up and head back we are still a ways from camp and I don't know if we could survive another encounter with the Orcs this day.[/color]" Silus said almost yelling making sure his team heard him. He then moved to where Tyr and Rem were with the female hunter. Although he didn't know her by name Silus had seen her around camp and knew she was a hunter. "We are your brothers in arms and shall ensure your safe return to the camp" Silus said to the woman "[color=00aeef]I am Silus the captain of this team, and hopefully those brutes didn't do anything to you before making their way to their doom[/color]" he said to the Huntress not trying to damage the woman's pride. Once the hunters had gathered and licked their wounds a little they made the trek back to the Hunters forward camp. The journey was rough and it was late evening before the hunters were able to see the campfires in the distance. "[color=00aeef]Get your rest everyone, we won the day. those of you who need it go see the healers I doubt we will be sent to scout again tomorrow but be ready to if needed.[/color]" Silus commanded before entering the camp. He had a report to make and his team had earned at least one nights rest.