Name: Jonathan Lines Alias: Jon, more of a nickname really. Age: 22 Affiliations: N/A Factions: N/A Description: Jon is 6'1" with a slim, athletic build. Blond, shaggy hair, green eyes and his first proper attempt at a goatee that still looks somewhat patchy in areas, much to his dismay, also has a somewhat big nose but still considered handsome by some. Often seen in a simple combination of shirt, jacket and jeans whilst out in public. currently has no uniform for when he takes to the streets. Powers: Stage 1 - An uncontrolled, one way aura of affliction transferal. In this stage those within a certain range of Jon, whom remain within his company for awhile will find themselves slowly freed of any disease and pain, whilst Jon will slowly start to show symptoms of that which was ailing them moments ago. Stage 2 - U.A.A.T. (Uncontrolled Aura of Affliction Transferal), ability to cure disease and increased healing factor, about twice as fast as a normal humans, is still debilitated by diseases and wounds whilst afflicted. Stage 3 - Controlled Aura of Affliction transferal, able to remove the ailments of others, healing himself of them unless he chooses to palm them off to another via skin contact. Able to cure disease, same increased healing factor as before, slight increase in physical performance whilst healthy, still debilitated by diseases and wounds whilst carrying them. Stage 4 - C.A.A.T (I'm sure you'll figure it out) Immunity to disease, same increased healing factor as before, but will enter a catatonic state if a wound is fatal to allow his body more time to heal it, always at his pique of physical prowess whilst he's not afflicted. Ability to hold onto wounds and ailments without physically demonstrating their effects, effectively storing them for later use, via curing them himself with his immunity and healing factor, or passing them onto his enemies. Despite his powers Jon is still susceptible to anything thing that may cause him harm, without the ability to remove it from himself without skin contact in all his stages of progression. Skills: Great balance and dexterity (was once able to carrying ten mocha lattes through the crowded cafe he works at without spilling a drop.) Equipment: Bicycle that he uses to get to his work a few blocks away. Ranking: F (Currently undeveloped, but with the potential to become an A.) (Optional) Brief History: Born originally in Australia, he lived a relatively simple life growing up, always fascinated by the events in the world around him, especially those that involved people with extraordinary abilities called Metas. Despite the stigma that hung around those with such abilities, he himself wished they he too could possess such power. When he became 19, he used the money he had saved from his job to move over to America, in particular the city of Los Angeles, once home to a team of heroes that Jon had followed as a child.