Doc Valentine quickly lead the group back to one of the tables, and motioned for Zuzen to set her down. "All right, now be real careful like," he said, "We don't want to cause any more damage, now do we?" Zuzen shook his head and gingerly laid the injured alien down on the table. After listening to Vash's story, Doc Valentine nodded, "Well, that was kinda more info than I really needed, but that's fine," he said, "But this shouldn't be too much of a problem, I deal with people gettin' shot up all the time." It was at that moment that the heavily scarred 'Nurse' called Nina returned, this time with a pair of young nurses in tow, a man and a woman. Doc Valentine looked up, "All right, now Nina, I want you to go back to mannin' the front desk. Jericho, go patch up our other friend," he said to each one in turn, before turning to the newly arrived female nurse, "And Lilliane, I need you to go get the medical supplies and bring 'em here? This one got shot up; you know what to get, right?" Lilliane nodded her head, and made her way to the door at the side of the room. It wasn't long before she came back pushing a cart of medical instruments and a bottle of alcohol. She arrived and moved in next to Noki, giving the rest of the group a dirty look. "Yeah, I'm gonna need y'all to clear out while I work," Doc Valentine said. Zuzen nodded his head and moved from beside the bed, near to where Nina was standing. The man seemed a bit strange, but at the moment he was Noki's only hope and he didn't seem to be bad. And the Doctor did have a point, people getting shot were probably one of the most common things any doctor on this planet saw.